Nathan Fielder is a North American treasure!
Nathan Fielder is a North American treasure!
"Danger's my last name."
I'm willing to pay up to $1,000 for the throat Swayze ripped out in Road House.
Holy crap you're right…
Natalie Portman: My name's Jackie, Miss Kennedy if yo nasty!
Top 3 movies that took place in Africa:
Oh, I love it when a character utters the title of the film!
More like Kroc of shit, am I right?
Sex? Yes please!
Outta my way, Jerk Ass!
That's too bad. Jenny is so adorkable!
"What the fuck?" - Mike Mitchell
Have you people ever seen a chicken?
If you throw salt on him, he'll curl up into a ball like a slug.
On the plus side, he got a job teaching at Trump's alma mater
I wonder if FDR ghost is in a wheelchair not.
Well, everyone knows Jesus Christ died at the hands of the Romans. What this book presupposes is, maybe he didn't?
You don't own me! Plymouth Rock landed on Us! I can't handle the trooth! Not the mama!
$800,000 an episode is a pretty good motivator to stay on.
Make me, you sexist pig!