Bat Boyz II Batmen

I signed up for the Anytime app via my mom and dad's subscription.

But guys, freedom of speech, right?

Guys, we have to be respectful. A man just d… Nah, I'm kidding. In this case, the P in R.I.P. stands for "penises." I hope he rots among a bunch of severed, still-gooey donkey dicks.

Linkin Park sucks.

Now how many #firecolbert supporters complained that Anne Coulter couldn't speak at UC Berkeley and Bill O'Reilly was fired from Fox News and these were somehow violations of their right to free speech?

Oh, Ignatiy. You always know just what to say to get a girl interested in a movie. Probably. More importantly I'm interested finally, and we all know that's what counts.

Feels like this list could have just been called Fox and Friends.

I couldn't agree more. Bigger and stupider and bigger should be the motto of the franchise. To clarify: while I appreciated F8 — especially the Rock and Statham — most of what I liked about it had little to do with cars and how fastly and furiously these people drive them. Cars almost seemed incidental to the

The state of the world today and *that's* what you can't believe?

Weird to say this about a Fast and Furious movie… But I can't help but think 7 was a bit overrated. Don't get me wrong…Parachuting cars and all that… But it really did seem like a bit of a drag (no pun intended.)

Mexican infantry? Doesn't Trump call them anchor babies?

Fake news! Do you know how much McDonald's Trump eats? He's not evacuating anything.

Uhhhh… After last year does anyone have the right to actually be surprised by this?

I assume he's referring to the long blue vein creeping along the side there.

I don't know if you jest, sir, but as the Pope of Universal Studios (Orlando, FL) I bequeath upon you all of the money to make this happen and bring us closer to God's light.

"…enough to read a menu…"

I think his movies stand out as probably among the few female-focused superhero movies in a typically male-driven genre. He gave us the equivalent of Twilight rather than another version of Superman the Movie. Whether it was intentional or not, Stone's Gwen Stacy stole the show and it was an intriguing shift in focus


In my mind their crazy big size adds to their sense of whimsy.

My favorite thing about this is that Snyder and the DCEU are using one of the cheesiest concepts in superhero storytelling, the race of 300 foot tall super-beings known as the New Gods, to tell a grim tale of existential turmoil. Hey, Snyder? You know why Ingmar Bergmann's movies are unchallenged masterpieces of