
Yowza Rose. Top 5 brain for sure, especially for those scenes with Jimmy.

I don't know how no one's mentioned it, but continuing the show's pitch perfect name game, she was introduced as Carey Gold when they brought the potential zombie killer in to chat at Fillmore. Carey Gold!

>load entire comment thread
>ctrl-f for Janesays
>only people looking for her

Yep, and I haven't been to one in probably that long, but it looks like a few independent ones have survived (and per Wikipedia, this also become another nod to A Serious Man).

It's still not a bad observation though, as they might have a decent bit of screen time as the season progresses (Fargo's shown it likes hanging out with the officer's families in the prior seasons, after all). Good to take note of them early.

And it doesn't feel like we've got any status seekers here yet this season (MEW's character is closest, but too calculating).

When Gloria picked up that statue, I excitedly wondered if that was the rocket ship I thought it was, and then those books in the floor all but confirmed it. I'm eager to see what sort of story gets spun from that, and feel like it's definitely gonna tie back to the Germans.

It feels a bit on the retro end, but I'd say it's still pretty authentic behind-the-curve rural MN, especially with a middle age-and-up cast

They made a point of mentioning the men hadn't gotten married yet (to which Ennis muttered something about it being illegal… and in MN in 2010 it would have been).

Didn't notice the chips, but as a native Northern Minnesotan I was beyond overjoyed to see a Red Owl again.

And if Marvel doesn't want to give us more Agent Carter…

I can't even. The locker room bit with Major looking all dejected about his (relative) flab was probably my favorite part of that brain, but really all of his non-verbal stuff in this episode was great.

Welcome back, iZombie, you've been missed (and haven't missed a beat)!

Yeah, the design on that one was really nice.

Yeah, the fingernails bit really make me suspicious that Fillmore's behind it. Vivian spent the better part of the episode showing she gets really, really invested in her and hers, so it's absolutely possible for her to be so upset while having ordered the hit in the first place.

We also saw the "physical" manifestation of SK getting blasted down the hall and into Oliver.

I read that interjection as Syd gaining some insight from the Shadow King.

For a moment, Forge's name flitted across my lips.

The moment they revealed the spear chunk was hidden on the moon, I kept waiting for an Evangelion ref to drop and I was sorely disappointed

I accidentally started the episode this morning with the sound muted for
the first 30s or so (which worked wonderfully for that moment), so when they -actually-
cut the sound it provided an extra level of bugout.