
Shadow King still seems most likely, but yeah Proteus would be a pretty good pick (RIP Exiles). I suppose that since we know he's adopted now, Cassandra (Xavier's womb-murdered evil psychic twin) is also a stretch possibility.

To this end, I loved how -unimportant- Pierce's robot hand ended up being. A big, in your face detail with potential for fancy future tech nonsense that they spend a lot of time with, only to have it casually wrecked in a blink-and-you-miss-it shot after Logan kills Rice.

It plays as a nice continuation of their mirror posing too, a trend I'd like to see them do more of.

well, the password was 1234

I don't know that he put it together before that, as he explicitly muttered something to the effect of "that was the same thing the mayor said" as the camera panned away (and a shout out to that nice shot)

I'm willing to handwave that part away as having an IRC session running in the background and getting a private message.

I'm still hoping for It Was Michael Dorn All Along

The bludgeoning insertion of Dinah Drake here was on par with Ollie's pistol-whipping execution in the flashback, but I can't help but be giddy about that reveal.

As a big, big comics BC fan, the new girl's tiny bit of screen time showed the right swagger for the job as far as I'm concerned

I vote for 80s punk scene alt Canary

Only if it involves the Kra-van.

That stuck out, but I marked it down to Ray Being Ray, as he was the worst offender about it and it's totally in line with him fanboying

Roulette does need to figure out a way home though, so it might be a while before we see her again.

If Patterns isn't in there, it's all gone wrong

Ewing's doing some great work (see also New-turned-USAvengers), particularly with the mess he's been handed, but man, I am so close to dropping U^2 because of the art, and more specifically the coloring. Can we can Brown while we're busy tidying up the Marvel offices?

SW's gotta be Samurai World, and with as robust as those facilities were, I'd say it's a fair bet that they've had other experiences up and running for a while. Me? I'm holding out for a season in Pirate World.

No love for Kara doing her best Morpheus impression during her training session with Mon-El?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught Gary's credit, played by someone named Gary, at that.

I was disappointed that they didn't make the name picks a running thing (yet!) ending in him becoming Citizen Cold.

He's been attending the Prometheus Anonymous meetings regularly