
I found myself wondering if he's grabbing those pinup posters as souvenirs from each era they stop in (and if he grabbed any while they were in Japan last week).

Pretty solid episode, Stein's fear of zombies was great, Jax had some choice moments, and Ray did a good job of proving he still has a place even if he doesn't fully realize it. Would have liked another scene showing Jax/Amaya encountering the horrors of plantation life, but they made good with what they had. My only

DC's comics reboot a few years back turned Mick and Snart into metas (SIGH), but it's been pure tech for them on the show.

Blaze and a Haircut, surely

Ted's shown up in DC's animated stuff, including a feels-filled Blue & Gold reunion in Batman: The Brave and The Bold

Fulton maneuvers are a beautiful thing, I was excited for it the moment Ollie handed Dig the harness (and then let down when they didn't do a good job showing Ollie launching a balloon arrow): https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

Hotheads gotta hothead. LOVED Church sliding under him at the start of it though, that was a great, unexpected move for him to pull.

I don't think they're going that route, particularly with how much Chase has been chewing on that word

I mean, all we really know is that Dig was hallucinating here, Floyd could still be out there.

Well, they explicitly called out the timeline change to Dig's kid in the "Previously on Arrow and Flash" at the start.

I'm with you on the "up to my eyeballs" line, that was great to hear again

So how far out of commission are they going to have to put Coulson before Mack gets to drive Lola? I'm betting he's even got his hand programmed to drive her for him if he gets knocked out.

As someone that's spent a number of years working in/around data centers, that wasn't an awful idea. She was likely just the courier, getting the drive to the place to have it plugged in to a server that'll either do its thing automatically, or have someone remotely start fiddling with the data once the drive appears.

Only slightly? (and when do they put her through a literal song and dance routine?)

There was a Bertinelli namedrop as that Bratva guy was going through Ollie's book too, so I hope we'll see her again.

Barry walked right back out with that Big Belly Burger bag, never handed it over

It's gonna be approaching Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything territory by the end of Season 4, if not this season

1) ABC running a Conviction commercial IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT was just rubbing salt in the wound :[

Man, that shot of Ghost Rider turning his head back so you could see behind the jaw, entirely superfluous, but it sold the whole thing for me.

-and- he was resurrected by the Lord of Lighting Shit On Fire