
They've been doing them pretty much at every opportunity (especially this season), and as it happens CBR did a roundup of some of them this morning http://goodcomics.comicbook…

Vaughn+merc don't know Major's got a zombie freezer, that's the whole point of it.

Her bees are self-replicating (see: Ollie), she only needs a few to get started

I swear I heard Curtis utter the line "one of Bea Arthur's minions"

I don't think so, Ravi didn't so much as raise an eyebrow as Major commented on it.

More of an extrapolation based on his being a mercenary- he probably works for a larger outfit if Vaughn's hired him rather than being a lone operator, I'm sure they'd be interested in having a zombie army to sell to the highest bidder.

So how magnificently is Don E and EmoGene's Utopium Empire going to backfire?

I just replayed it a half dozen times and I can't tell if it's flipping or the other one.

But was Vaughn's mercenary scooping her up at Vaughn's direction or his group's own?

Where'd I park that freezer?

She wasn't around at all, no. With Mr. Boss upending things, I wonder if Blaine's even given her another thought at this point.

One of Liv's science graphic popups, specifically charting the reliability of Major, Lowell, and Drake

Yeah, he was totally giving in to the brain there, I wonder just how much of his assets he donated and if he accidentally screwed over his buddies in the process (giving cause for them to make bad Utopium-related decisions).

A+ chemistry among the entire main cast. Sheer storytelling chops, they know precisely where they're headed and how they're getting there, with the weekly cases deftly folding into the season's narrative (most of the time). And perhaps most importantly, it remembers to have fun, constantly, pervasively.

With as close as we're getting to the end of the season, I was certain that the unknown location was going to be Major's freezer, but the double-whammie of catching him with Mr. Boss and then getting stood up when trying to confront him about it (because of his mom and Major) was an even better move.

Also, only Blaine's reverted so far.

Came here for this too, best laugh of the episode.

To be fair, Cold already knows that Barry's the Flash, he's probably smart enough to have connected Ollie already

I'm 4/5ths through Mike Carey's Lucifer and I really, really don't want a reason to watch the show when it strays so far, but that description might have forced my hand.

I just want Cisco to go hook her up with one, maybe hang out for a while, maybe start up a league of their own