
I could practically hear Diggle desperately wishing he was still in Central City chasing after King Shark when they were all in the cave

Screw you, March Madness!

Going one step further, what if Drake was shot in last week's flashback because the case of the week had figured out he was a CI?

On a similar line, I'm starting to wonder at all the non-Kryptonians locked up in their supermax, and why a first-time drug smuggler merits the same prison as the more extreme offenders.

Ravi's podcast is the best, Dark Helmet's helmet is miles better than that upstart punk Kylo's

"So you're over losing out to Eva Braun huh?"

She had also just seen a new sample of the Super U from the kid that was rolled into the morgue, same as Don-E was handing out in her vision.

Yeah, Shady Plots is simply The Best.

Oh, I feel dumb not catching that right off. UFreightEze.com. You magnificent bastards.

Yeah, Ravi's -thorough- testing was focused entirely on if Liv could transmit to Major, not if Major could spread it in his cured state.

Ravi doing that deep lean back when Liv took charge of collecting the blood sample was his top moment for me tonight, that was magnificent.

Perfect finale, I'd love to see another season, but I'm totally satisfied if they leave us hanging here.

Another great pair of episodes, loved all of it, but I just want to give a special shoutout to the fine camerawork with Roberta in the closing credits of D'Dew, absolute perfection.

"Nothing but repeats"

Just a cover for whatever heist they were doing along with the minivan, he had a line along the lines of no one questioning a dad having to make a late-night run for diapers

Really solid episode outside of the Barry/Patty stuff, I like how they implemented Turtle's powers (his backstory's a little ehhhhh) and that it was a classic Just Run Faster solution, more Eobard should be great, but Joe/Wally was by far my favorite part of the episode. Part of it may just be how terrible his comics

His I'm 6'4" whine just about killed me

He heard about using Ash of Immortal bath salts with the Lazarus Pit in one of Ra's old diaries and wanted to give it a try

To be fair, it doesn't explicitly negate that caveman possibility, he was already walking around with the Nth staff when we're checking in on them in the flashbacks

Forget the Green Arrow part of it, this guy's running for Mayor of Murderville, no juicier scandal than a secret lovechild