
Your first point is very simplistic. You're saying things about the show's intended audience that I really don't think are supported by what Hasbro has actually said about the show. I feel pretty secure that Hasbro's policy towards the bronies makes it clear that they are not real distressed by the adult fandom. If

In celebration of our newfound friendship, I am starting a betting pool around just how many alcohol references you will make in the next year. Get to bro-ing, bro!

I figure if you were really that much less crazy than I am, you wouldn't be here giving people crap about Being Wrong On The Internet… or worse, Liking Ponies On The Internet. (shudder) I figure all the hypothetical sane people are out there at… I dunno, Mostly Mozart concerts or finance seminars or whatever it is

Well, yeah, if you're gonna strawman a quote at me, that's exactly how it's gonna sound like I'm talking. It's YOUR MADE-UP QUOTE, you genius. :) Would you prefer to talk to me as an actual person and hear my actual opinions, or are you more comfortable up there on your… high horse? *smirk*

The comments here are actually pretty tolerable if you follow this rule of thumb: "Don't respond to anyone whose icon is somebody's face shopped onto somebody else's head." Is it time to have this place sprayed for 4channers again?

None of your argument is really making much sense. As far as I can tell, all you did was come up with an arbitrary trait that Bugs Bunny has that MLP doesn't, and then tried to base a whole argument around it without actually stopping to prove how that excludes MLP from being worthy for adults. (Because it doesn't

Oh, god, unicorns at 22!? Doesn't she know she should already be out drinking herself to oblivion, watching Desperate Housewives, and getting into loveless sexual relationships at that age?! It sounds like she doesn't even understand what maturity really means: status-based, age-appropriate expressions of consumerism.

Substitute a few terms (e.g., "sex with cartoon horses" with "running through your hometown spraying bullets"), and you're doing one hell of a good impression of Jack Thompson, scourge of gamer nerds, there.

Nothing in the world is more disappointing than a lazy troll. It's like, wow, he didn't even care enough to try to hurt us. Come on, aren't bronies even worth the trouble of basic punctuation?

Funny to meet you talking about masturbation and forniphilia. Who's the sex-obsessed pervert here, again?

You know, all the "…period" comment really demonstrates is that you're not interested in discussing the issue, not interested in other people's experience, are just going to reject any testimony that contradicts your prejudices… Why, exactly, should we take you seriously at all?

Of course, right after you get off your high horse (no pun intended), you go trolling another article and eagerly contribute to that ignorance level. That's an *impressive* level of cognitive dissonance you've got there. While we're eagerly Internet Diagnosing each other… sociopathy? You should really get it checked

@Eluvium Gosh, I have this funny feeling you're not arguing in good faith here. Maybe you're advice to leave the trolls alone was in hopes we wouldn't point out how little sense you're making?

I know, right? There's nothing funnier than a bunch of people in the throes of a kneejerk reaction trying to pretend they're the sane, logical ones. If it were 1957, the same people would be having the same little panic over… I don't know, pinball, or Elvis's hips, or Demon Run, or something.

Because all us X-Files fans know that nobody was more well-adjusted and joyful than Clyde Bruckman. :D I'm with Murc — I'm not sure it's a good idea to take the judgement of a sour, doomed old man about What's Best In Life.

See, now that's quality trolling. You are clearly a man who has come to terms with his joylessness and I admire that!

@eluvium I really get the impression you would have preferred I just stay completely silent about this while everybody else gets their default snark in. No, thank you! It's not that I mind being trolled, but I do ask for much higher standards of humor. Do you have anything better, perhaps? Something about my parentage

Also: you have now officially spent more time talking about masturbating to MLP in this one thread than I ever have in my life. Congratulations. You are more of a ponyfucker than I will ever be.

Easy. It's mere anecdotal evidence. You found evidence that someone from group B (people who sexualize ponies) belongs to group A (adults who watch ponies). This does absolutely nothing whatsoever to demonstrate that a substantial number of people in group A belong to group B.

@InfinityBall Because playing on cheap stereotypes is the very heart and soul of reason! That's a very cheeky tactic you're playing there. Do you think it really worked? I don't think it did.