
Well, I've certainly missed the point of why this is a point of such abject concern for you. I'm sorry that picking fights on the Internet is the most productive mode of interaction you seem to have discovered, and I hope you will find more rewarding hobbies. Based on your comment history, though, I suspect you have

And most American males wants to fuck equally fictional, arguably non-human, possibly factory-farmed Maxim models. Hey. At least pony fetishists care about the characters they're fantasizing about. I just don't think you're gonna win the "actual moral harm done" argument here, though you're welcome to pursue your

@InfinityBall That's fine, the points I'm making apply just fine to non-trolls too! He's not the one I'm trying to persuade, and I'm sorry if standing up for pony fans is not the behavior that you require from me. ;) Also, maybe I would take your advice a little more readily if you were a little less dismissive in

Respectfully, you raise a really good point (and I really appreciate you being more polite than that other guy), but I think you're working on outdated information. Just spend a few minutes looking at the interplay between Lauren Faust and the MLP fandom on Twitter — the creators of the show, like most animators these

So… that would be "option B: ignore entire heartfelt plea in favor of snarky one-line dismissal, mindlessly assuming a host of stereotypes are true in the process, because his mind is already made up." There are a few people who clop to ponies; therefore every pony fan is a die-hard pervert, because dammit, His

Listen, if you hate everything from Breaking Bad to My Little Pony, maybe you should just stop watching television? It doesn't seem to be good for you.

You brought sex into it, not me — inserting the "creepily" was so cleverly strawmannish of you! — and I assure you, sir, my knickers are perfectly orthogonal. You're the one who complained about somebody else's tastes in media—you even brought in an inflammatory non-sequitur to do it. I believe that meets the

Well, we can't all enjoy the emotional intimacy one derives from mocking people's hobbies on the Internet. I'm sure they'll be lining up by the millions to see Bitterness Is Magic.

Yeah, same way people in the 1930s had to sign up to watch Bugs Bunny cartoons, because there is a clear and objective distinction between children's entertainment and adult entertainment. Or the same way Sailor Moon is strictly regulated in Japan so that it's only sold to children. Or my animator ex-girlfriend had to