Pam Harris

None of those characters tried to kill someone (unthinkable when there are so few people left in the world.) None of those characters tried to trick new arrivals into thinking that he was the only one in Tucson (again unthinkable when there are so few people left in the world and everyone is desperate to see a new

I don't see how Sudakis can come home. Somebody has to send a ship up to dock at the space station to bring him home.

Hopefully they are heading somewhere cooler and greener! Maybe Northern California or the Oregon coast.

There is no way they can stay in Tuscon once summer starts. I think it's winter right now because no one has fallen down dead from a heat stroke. I live in Bakersfield, and believe me, there are not enough generators in the state to keep them cool and comfortable once that heat moves in. Even if they did hook up

So true! I almost quoted something from the "chocolate cake for breakfast" bit, and stopped myself. I realized (sadly) that I'll never quote Cosby again. I was not one to jump on the bandwagon right away because i have listened to, and watched Cosby for decades and did not want to believe it. Now there just seems to

Sometimes they'll hire someone who looks like they'll pass a casual background check, knowing that they can always fire them if they ultimately don't pass. Probably places like Lowe's or Home Depot would run them. They are cheap and mainly done online.

Even in the oppressive heat of, what, two summers in Tuscon?

Thank you! I want to believe it was a fake after he covered his business up with it. I have to say I loved him muttering that he had meant to frame it.

I think that in the pre-virus world wedding rings and white dresses weren't happening for good old Carol, and may never have happened. I think she used sex (as the last woman on earth) as leverage to make a pre-virus dream come true, the big white wedding. She had it and then was smacked in the face with reality…as

Laughing out loud. Really!

I know! They are so….I don't know what…but they aren't killing anybody. As Melissa would say if Tandy announced to her that he was going to kill Phil 2…"No, you're not."

Is it just me, or are there others who don't think Phil 2 bought Tandy's farm? If you look at his face at the very end of the scene (after they bump fists and agree that they are mondo cool) his faint look of disgust says it all. So why does he act like he buys it? Is it just easier than arguing with Tandy? I worked

I think Paige got that when she said
"Let me pass." or something like that. It was like she recognized that they were letting her know that they could stand between her and any illusion of freedom that she has.

I totally agree. Especially because on her very first "secret" trip out of town, trying to find out something about her family, she is befriended on the bus by this girl who is the link to Pastor Tim. I think at some point the KGB starts watching the kids, independently of their parents.

Yeah, Elizabeth has killed people for less. Literally.

Me too! Her delivery was so perfect I just hooted! So deadpan, so serious, no sarcasm at all. She meant it. But not like a forever nuts, just that at this stage of his life, he is nuts.

I was sure that he was going to say "Stan? Stan Beeman? What was HE doing here?"

Yeah, I kind of wondered if the first scene of the next episode will be Phillip telling Elizabeth that he had killed Martha.

Yay! Someone else remembers that! I was pretty sure that she said something to him about his "wig" and that he should not be embarrassed if he was losing his hair that she loved him anyway. Or something like that….

True dat.