Pam Harris

I agree, I think he does truly care about Martha and thinks that she deserves to know who he really is. Before he kills her.

Am I wrong, or did Martha know about the wig? Didn't she say something like "I know about the wig." in relation to thinking he was losing his hair or something and didn't want anyone to see it?

I agree, even copping to the "Witness Protection" program idea would have better suited them. Sure they were blindsided, but they've been trained to hit the ground running and roll with the punches, so not much more than glance between them would have been needed to pick up that ball and run with it. Not that I want

I thought about that as well. Remember Paige found the church and Pastor Tim when approached by a strange girl on a bus. That particular bus trip was Paige's first attempt to find out what the deal was with her family, (No relatives, etc.)

I hope Elizabeth isn't still thinking that Paige will want to "serve her country" as Elizabeth did when not much older than Paige. Elizabeth is so single-minded and obsessed with the Motherland, that she seems to have forgotten (or never realized) that Paige has no feelings of alliance. or love of, the Soviet Union.