
I like Rick with the new, longer "I just rinsed a guy's throat blood out of it" hair. And KORL tends to keep his hat on if his locks are less than fresh. But Darryl, my love, it's time to get a bit of shampoo. Just sayin': none of the female characters look like you could smell her from 20 yards…Darryl looked

I love this show and I love her. I was thinking the same thing while watching tonight: I really hope I don't turn this show on next season and see that this lovely, perfect young woman now weighs 89 pounds.

I thought I read his his lips and he didn't say "hell!"

Has anything ever been as scary as Bishop's reaction when Kalinda threatens him with CPS? When he asked, "Does anyone know you are here?" my heart skipped a beat. Kalinda is one tough cookie when it comes to the people she cares about.

I agree. He looks and seems 10 years older than he did last season. Poor Cary.

Yeah. What you said.

My kids lost a lot of the things I put in their lunch boxes when they were little, which is why I never put anything like a metal fork in.

I am having a hard time watching this show any more because there are two teenagers on it who are so obnoxious that they are unbearable. And they had 1/2 the screen time in this episode. Yes, teenagers can be incredibly self-centered and act out. But you don't have to shrug and say, "Well, she's being a teenager," and

A few random observations, since this is the only kick I am getting out of the show these days:
-Walton Goggins is an extraordinarily good actor.
-Marilyn Manson and Courtney Love are not. Why are they on this show? Are they pals with Kurt Sutter?
-Abel now carries a plastic lunch box.
-Seconds after Jax announces

I guess that's why, when some "tv-sized" woman (typically about 110 pounds) punches a grown man (6 inches taller and 90 more pounds than her) one time, hard enough to make him go down, they always cut to her shaking her hand and saying, "ow, that HURTS" for a touch of "reality." I've always suspected that if I really

I keep wondering why it's been emphasized so much. They have focused on it several times now. I am thinking it's foreshadowing, and maybe he is going to get a terrible infection or something? Or maybe they are just showing what a badass he is, soldiering on with a cut and all.

Thanks. Makes sense. It would be interesting to have a character mention that at some point.

I see what you did there. Is anyone keeping track of the Stephen King homages in this show?

I keep wondering about "tv injured," frequently caused by a "tv beating" on this show. In the first season, Merle beat the holy living shite out of T-Dawg, and the guy got up to tell about it a few minutes later. I've never been punched, but at least the after effects of Abraham beating Eugene seemed a little more

I have heard that the fire hoses used on the protesters during the Civil Rights movement launched them over the tops of cars. My understanding is that they can be pretty powerful. Pressure + rotten flesh might = mush.

I saw no romantic connection between Abraham and Rosalita before this. I thought "What?" when the episode started and she ruffled his hair in that romantic/intimate way. Did I miss something?

Off topic, but I had the time to go back and watch a few of the episodes of the first and second seasons. The zombies were so different then—focused and agile enough to hold a rock in their hands to smash through glass and climb a ladder to chase people. A few scenes showed them sitting in cars, in kind of a torpor

adblock is the BEST.

Not sure why, because I would not be able to carry it off, but I kind of loved that suit with the reflective pieces on her. The wardrobe dept. was killing it—everyone from Kalinda to Bishop looked amazing in every scene. Finn: so attractive even in a hoodie. Really loved the gray and white suit that Alicia had on when

Me, too, especially Max. I think the writers occasionally blur the line between him having Aspergers and him just acting like a spoiled a-hole. Is he allowed to just throw a tantrum every single time things don't go according to plan? To scream at Amber and tell her she's going to be a terrible mother because he