
Boy, I wanted this show to be good, too. It was so promising during the first episode. I join my fellow watchers in our disappointment and in calling BS on:

LOL, you are right. The husband would just say, "Here, your favorite."

It would be a public service for him to kidnap those two kids and take them to the farm already!

I join my fellow masochists/SOA watchers in calling BS on:
1) Jax being nice to Abel. He's ignored him for weeks after the death of Abel's mother and suddenly he's dad of the year who sleeps next to him and wants to take him to the cabin?
2) Gemma's ridiculous insistence on telling Wendy to raise Abel "Jax's way."

She was awesome in Fargo.

I have a friend who just got a wake up call about the late/canceling out at the last minute by text thing. She's 35. A sweetheart, but the kind who would text you "oh, no, this came up" ten minutes before you were supposed to meet at the movies on Sunday afternoon and was chronically late for everything. I guess no

I did wonder how she knew to take the blue key…were they labeled and I missed it?

Played it so that we got to see Beth jam a long, pointed object into his … eye.

It's true. My entire family speaks this way. My sister says "tal" for the word, "towel."

Not only that, but can your average "military trained" torturer remove an entire eyeball, intact, with whatever hunting knife he happens to carry around, to place it in a tupperware container? Or is that more a surgeon's skill? Because the reveal shot of poor Bobby's eyeball showed a fairly undamaged, perfectly round

I actually kind of snorted when Jax said, "He is smarter than me…"
Jax, who at various points of the series has been heralded for being clever, is a freaking idiot now.

No kid would dare take out his cell phone in that classroom.

Good point. Is there ever any lynyrd skynyrd or the like playing when SAMCRO is on the move?

"for all his wounded soul, he’s a murdering dickhead who doesn’t seem to be having much trouble from anyone…"
Nicely said—-where is the dedicated family man? Who pawns his young children off on any sex worker, biker, or stand-in who happens to be available? Would it dawn on him for a second that his traumatized sons

Also, (catching up a year later), there is a pretty strong point to the scene with Rick and Carl. Rick realizes, as he battles a million zombies with his young son, that Carl is kind of amazing, and will probably grow to be a more formidable force than he ever thought about being.

Tough guy nomination for this episode: freaking Herschel.

I was wondering whether there have been more Gemma-related car accidents or clubhouse explosions in this series.

Catherine Deneuve said the ass vs. face thing, I believe. You are right—Margulies has always been pretty slender, and your face changes as you age, particularly through your forties. She looks pretty terrific to me.

Just catching up on the show. Funny, the first time I saw a shot of Margaret sleeping next to her children, I thought it was touching. Then a split second later I realized of course, they only have one bed for the entire family.

Throw in a little young Geena Davis, too. She's quite beautiful.