
"You give me ten minutes with the Lemon family, and I'll have them tearing at each other like drag queens at a wig sale."

Ok, I'm catching up with the series. It's terrific. But the parenting scenes are starting to just kill me—I haven't seen either Phillip or Elizabeth be kind or understanding for a long time. They are just screaming at their kids, or speaking angrily to them and trying to enforce their will. Abusive, actually. What

Speaking of "cooking," so, Skyler works all day at the car wash, working mother and all. Why does she have to do all of the housework and make dinner every freaking night? It's not 1950, Hank!

Speaking of "cooking," so, Skyler works all day at the car wash, working mother and all. Why does she have to do all of the housework and make dinner every freaking night? It's not 1950, Hank!

He was in Beverly Hills Cop as a bad guy, but was not yet a bad ass. He has aged like fine wine.

He was in Beverly Hills Cop as a bad guy, but was not yet a bad ass. He has aged like fine wine.

OK, no one is going to be reading this years later, but I am just now watching the 5th season. Mike is without a doubt one of the best characters of all time. Ensure with a beer while watching Mutiny on the Bounty? Please.

OK, no one is going to be reading this years later, but I am just now watching the 5th season. Mike is without a doubt one of the best characters of all time. Ensure with a beer while watching Mutiny on the Bounty? Please.

Not to mention Adreianne Palicki, who just tore it up in this show. Has she been in anything since?

Ha-TWC would probably give it a close run for its money. I spent forty-eight minutes on the phone with them this weekend trying to get my cable tv service downgraded. I was on hold for 7,000 seconds…I think they do it to make you give up.

Loved the dig that Louie took at cable tv while he was on hold on the phone. "Your wait time will be … 7,000 seconds…"

She is pretty amazing. I loved the scene where Louie tells her that his favorite thing is remembering being with her. Her face and reactions are incredible.

As a recently single mother, I watch some of Louie's parenting moments with glee. Just did the "carry my backpack" and "eeeww, whatever you are making for dinner is awful" moments myself in the past week. "Get away from me. Get far away."

This is the first time I have responded to the intense misogyny in many of the comments on this site. And I know this is 10 months (and years) later. But, seriously, she's a c—t? Why, because she uses whatever she has to manipulate people? Hey, guess who else does that? EVERYONE on the show.

As does the way they are making her hair more red every season.

What an awful moment for Sansa when Lysa told her that she was going to marry Robin.

I can deal with a lot of sadistic stuff going on, but it's pretty tough to watch anyone be mean to Hodor…