
I vote for "a little messy" as well. The golf shirt and slacks combo never did it for me.

Absolutely. He is a great actor. BTW, the "beer cozy" is a perfect detail, isn't it?

Beautiful writing, DWK and a_quiet_storm. Having grown up in a small town in the South myself, I enjoyed reading your observations. The culture of the small town is so remarkable, and perhaps not unique to there, but specific nonetheless. Two clear memories: 1) during the days after my father suddenly died, much of

Me too—definitely thought it was a witch posing as Vanessa.

I am still watching it. Definitely not as good as it used to be, of course. Season 4 was great. I don't exactly root for Jackie these days (hard to hold sympathy for someone who chose drugs over her children so many times), and she still continues to cross so many lines. But she is such a survivor, and the drama is

I save about $35 a month on mousse now.

Absolutely. And wow, can that guy sing.

Yeah, I felt like I was back in graduate school in the 90's, male gaze and deconstruction and all.

Agreed! I was about to stop watching after last week's baby dissection. The show appeared to be heading to full on American Horror Story (not my cup of tea). This was the first in a while where the exchanges and people felt real rather than cartoon characters. A solid A.

Speaking of awful scenes. I myself couldn't watch Arya being whipped by her "teacher." WTH?


Lauren Cohan is a good actress. That scene where she finds out her sister is dead was pretty moving—I started to well up at the idea of her grief and sense of loss. Then, I realized that it was ridiculous. I love this show, but when Darryl walked out holding Beth that way, ostensibly crying, I started laughing.

I love him with his "I just rinsed a guy's throat blood out of it" hair.

That's always bothered me, too—he kind of lets it fall forward limply after wielding it at his target. Who does that?

Petra poisoning her hostage and then reviving him to gain his trust—who'd have thought her machinations were so crafty and dark?

I am by no means a GOT expert, but isn't that Arya's face and hand holding the COIN, not Bran? I got that from the almost subliminally fast glimpse of her on the video.

"I can drink Normal People Wines!"

Also, Target, we get it. Product placement much?

I wanted to go shopping with him…he made snacks at Target sexy.

“OMG! It’s him, it’s him!” Latin Lover Narrator is the best. —-
Agreed. Love this show.