
Good point. We should probably also replace all art criticism with the words "it is what it is."

I'll give you that each of the later albums have their moments. And the "punk rock Nickleback" comment regarding Rise Against is dead on. Their lyrics are basically just a string of vague platitudes that seem rebellious. It throws me off when people refer to them as political as they never seem to take a stance on

My point specifically disregarded the change in sound. Change is fine. My complaint that is that I find their post-New Wave sound boring and indistinct.

WARNING: CLICHÉ ARGUMENT ABOUT THEIR EARLY ALBUMS BEING BETTER AHEAD. Is there some kind of contract between the band and rock critics to not acknowledge that every album after Searching for a Former Clarity has been worse than the last? They used to be so exciting and fresh. Disregard that they dropped the accoustic

What the hell did I just read? This entire article could be replaced with the word "eat."

All of my favorite punk rock songs about work have been by Dillinger Four (they seem to have one on every album). But the best is Superpowers Enable Me to Blend In With Machinery. That second verse's conclusion hits every time.
- There's something about the way she said
"The only good boss is one that's dead"
These broad

Freddy's "how sweet, dark meat" was pretty uncomfortable to hear as well. That movie is still way better than it has any right to be, though.

I remember watching the teased "remake" of this scene in Scream 4, where the patio light is flipped on at the end to reveal the teen in patio chair and thinking how nothing in the slasher genre since has been so effective. It was kind of unfortunate that the Scream 4 version couldn't rival the original, though in the

The other aspect of the scene that I think really messed with what horror audiences expected was the decision to follow the action from that uncut running stab to the parents perspective of discovering that an attack has happened, realizing that they could hear their daughter being slaughtered over the phone, and

I kind of get your point, but it also raises more questions. If tomorrow someone finds a "new" short story that Mark Twain tossed aside, what should they do? Destroy it? Save it in a museum? Lock it in a windowless room? Publish it on the Internet for everyone to read?

And the opening scene is one of the best horror sequences of all time.

Happy to see I wasn't the only one who thought Scream 4 was up there with his best work.

Man, why did I read this bullshit?

Blowing up the world is one thing. Throwing in the narration is what pushes it into full-on nihilism territory: "In one of the countless billions of galaxies in the universe, lies a medium-sized star, and one of its satellites, a green and insignificant planet, is now dead." Mic drop.

I give Beneath credit for having the most nihilistic ending in franchise film history.

Maybe it's just because it follows the best film in the franchise, but I've always considered Battle for the Planet of the Apes an absolute disaster. I thought it was widely considered the weakest in the series.

Wasn't there a "it's like blue balls but of your heart" in this episode? Sounded like something GOB Bluth would say.

I'm not sure why you're reading a site dedicated to pop culture criticism. I can watch whatever I choose, and I totally have a right to form an opinion about it and share it.

It really sucks for you that this reviewer disagreed with your thoughts on this scene and that you can't understand his perspective. I'm not totally sure why you are so upset about the use of "self-parody." But the reviewer makes his point clear (to me at least) when he imagines this scene as directed by Edgar Wright

If this was Random Ass HBO Show, I would have stopped watching half way through the first episode. I think most people who are complaining are holding out hoping that this show is going to pull itself together at some point. We're halfway through, and frankly I don't give a shit about any of these characters and I'm