
The driver had let Jesus take the wheel.

I rented this one on OnDemand because I thought the evangelical idea of what a philosophy class is like would be entertaining. Was not disappointed at all. Spoiler alert: the atheist professor doesn't just lose the debate. He gets run over by a fucking car and dies.

Here's a thought: take your budget. Give 75% to Adam Wingard or Ti West to direct. They have the other 25% and total creative freedom to make an honest to god Friday the 13th movie. And go.

Which of Axl's voices? The guy has the most versatile vocal cords in rock music.

I wonder if my grandfather ever complained that a child's toy line didn't match up with what happened in what is essentially a really expensive Saturday morning cartoon. I get the sexist implications in this story, and maybe I've just reached peak-superhero bullshit, but I can't bring myself to give any shits about

I can't think of anything Elaine did that was glaringly idiotic on that show. George was the idiot, Kramer the eccentric, and Jerry was the man-child. Elaine was the only one to have a career and was often responding to the awful decisions being made around her. She was selfish, petty and romantically challenged, but

Do you mean the animations? The audio in those scenes was archival making those dramatizations more "authentic" than similar methods used by other directors. Compare this to the reenactments in some of Errol Morris's films. I'm not sure I'd consider Montage Of Heck any more or less of a documentary than The Thin Blue

A friend of mine gave me a tape of this album freshmen year of high school and when I took it home to listen to it I had a hard time liking it until this track came on. It was a perfect entry point for what would soon after become one of my favorite bands.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I think "father" would mean they helped create the genre. "Godfathers" implies they helped guide it to maturity. Maybe words meant different things back in your glory days.

they've released consistently good records for 36 of punk rock's 41 years, and founded one of the most influential labels in the genre's history. But we get it. You're old.

I was just re-listening to New America last week and I still feel like it's a miss. The title track really caught me off guard with how earnestly hopeful it is, and I wonder if that was just kind of the state of things at the tail end of the Clinton Era. It was actually the first time I ever bought a new Bad Religion

Recipe For Hate has slowly become my favorite BR album. When I first heard it at 14 I thought it was pretty weird and regretted getting it over something newer. Maybe not as consistent as they're other albums, but it reaches peaks beyond some of their other more popular records. American Jesus and Skyscraper are up

AV Club, are you planning to expand your "Just Someone's Blog" feature soon?

Seriously, I don't really know what to make of that ad. Had no one at Nissan ever listened to the last verse of that song? I've seen some outrage about a car company choosing a song by a guy who died in a car wreck for a commercial that sells cars using the image of a car wreck. But I was way more annoyed with the

Reading this while actually chasing Arby's with Dr. Pepper makes me feel like I need to reconsider some things in my life.

The Bright Eyes mention was kind of out of left field. That whole Saddle Creek scene was happening outside the Warped Tour world.

I was thinking it was the Chicago connection, but then I remembered I'm from Chicago and everyone hates this band here, too.

No mention of Life Itself is kind of a surprise.

Not really. It's not like Ryan Adams, specifically on that song, has a particularly abrasive sound. And hell, plenty of Bros got into Adams after To Be Young… was used in Old School.