Felix Ng

Naomi Watts is always great. She's one of my favorite actresses.

Looking forward to seeing MK and Krystal on the lsland.

"Now on any other day that might've seemed strange." Words that probably get spoken more regularly these days.

It's also more relevant these days as well.

I wonder why the Old Gods don't just hook up with Media? She's the solution to most of their problems. A single click brings awareness to a million viewers or readers.

Anansi said something on the subject in the book. He says as long the concept the God embodies survives, it will be back in some form or another.

Jack Ryam

I would watch that!

Anyone seen McTiernan's Rollerball (2002)? I only vaguely remember it being not very good.

Neil Marshall. He deserves better than directing Game of Throne eps. The Spoon vs Werewolf scene in Dog Soldiers is just awesome. Had a blast with Doomsday as well.

The year also gave us Jackie Chan's The Tuxedo. A film as i recall no one liked and wasted Jackie's natural talents.

I'll say this though. XXX: State of the Union was kinda entertaining.

Pretty Woman.

I think the Resident Evil series deserves discussion. 6 movies and a reboot coming next year. The Zombie stuff isn't really an emphasis (though they are more threatening than the stiffs in The Walking Dead). Milla Jovovich IS Alice for a whole generation of kids now.

Agreed. Pamela Landy deserves better than this. She would be the perfect person to recruit Bourne in the next film. He certainly doesn't trust Vikander.

Yes, Marie is alive in the Ludlum books.

Rosamund Pike is the only real reason you should watch Die Another Day for me.

Anyone saw the new The Transporter: Reloaded that came out a few years back? I thought it was a passable enough. It has Ray Stevenson as Frank's dad.

For example?

"Big Trouble" I laughed quite a bit at this film.A pity not that many people saw it.