Felix Ng

I think Oliver is dull as a rock. But the actor who played Prometheus was great. Also Dolph Lundgren showed up in a few eps this season as well.

Arrow has this problem as well.

He is after all Shia LeBeouf's roommate.

You notice during Stick's fight with Elektra that he had her with a strike, but couldn't bring himself to follow through.

I didn't think it was that bad. The Hand was better depicted in that one.

The 2005 Elektra movie with Jennifer Garner.

I'll miss Scott Glenn. He has a great presence as a mysterious no bullshit Stick. I'll definitely take him over Terrance Stamp in that Elektra movie.



Danny only managed to knock Luke down because of his Super Iron Fist "Chi" Punch. Seems to be pretty exclusive to him only.

Trish's "No Way!" at DD's costume was great as well.

Pretentious. That's the word for him.

So what did you all think of that Restaurant fight?

I wonder what would happen if it was Castle fighting The Hand?

Also Shia LeBeouf's roommate from Revenge of the Fallen. Weird huh?

Sowande's fight with Luke at the Restaurant. I thought Luke was impervious to punches? (see his fight with Danny in Ep 2) I suppose Sowande has secret mystic powers, but they don't even try to suggest it.

Tim Roth and Jennifer Jason Leigh were born to play hillbilly psychos.

Freddie is the best Iron Fist ever.

I am confused. Why did Steven want to commit suicide again?

I wonder if Real Coop will continue his relationship with Janey-E and her son. I hope he will