And the way Bourne deftly blocks Desh's blade with a towel.
And the way Bourne deftly blocks Desh's blade with a towel.
Yes. It's Besson's biggest project to date.
Be sure to catch Valerian this July. Besson needs your support on that one.
I also like Luc Besson's European aesthetic in the film. It makes the film look classy and sophisticated.
Her death wasn't cheap. It's a shocking event that drives Bourne for the past 2 films. In a way, he'll never recover from it..
She was in a few eps of the SyFy Series Dark Matter last year.
2002 also gave us one of the biggest flops in movie history. Eddie Murphy's The Adventures of Pluto Nash. I've yet to know anyone that's seen it.
It's a trope that hasn't been done all that often. Though there's a Rom Com called Sliding Doors that does something similar.
A seriously good film, that hasn't been discussed here yet.
Marie's death is one of the saddest thing in the series. She was Bourne last and most important human connection. You can just feel his grief when you see him burn away their old photos.
He's the most Complete Fighter in the World!
I remember a lot of people thinking that Karl Urban was a Threadstone agent as well.
Isn't worth 2 hours of my time though.
Be sure to catch it!
That "Total Recall" remake shows up from time to time on Cable. I can never quite bring myself to watch it.
I'll give that my vote.
Brosnan has the hottest Bond Girls, Famke Janssen, Rosamund Pike, Sophie Marceau, Izabella Scorupco,
2002 also gave us Wesley Snipe's Undisputed. Though it would take Scott Adkins and Issac Florentine give us the action gems that are Undisputed 2 & 3.
What happened to Kurt Wimmer? After Ultraviolet, he's stuck to just producing stuff (including that lame Point Break remake in 2015)
I consider the second one Cruise's first DTV movie. You can tell he doesn't give a shit and is on auto pilot here.