Felix Ng

The cameo in The Rundown made me smile.

Dawn is Zach Snyder's best film. A fact that doesn't get enough credit.

Four actually. Threadstone, Blackfriar, Outcome and Larx. The latter 2 are Department of Defense projects. Kept separate from the Agency.

Seriously, The Bourne Legacy isn't that bad. Its just that we prefer not have Renner as the lead.

And Modine plays an even bigger asshole than he was in TDKR. Not a small feat.

I hear Del Toro used The Reaper vamps again for his The Strain TV series.

Did you like the latest one with Chris Pine?


The Transporter. One of Statham's best films ever. The fight sequence at the Bus Depot is well paced and exciting. Transporter 3 is just a mess though. I can take or leave 2.

The beautiful Asia Argento didn't help?

A waste of Pay Park as well.

Naomi Watts!

He was acting?

Izabella Scorupco's Birthday is this Sunday. I had such a crush on her in Goldeneye.

It actually not that bad when compared to some of the DTV (read Seagal) stuff we get these days. I saw Ballistic in theaters and thought it was an average action flick. Not good, but not all that terrible.

Oh yeah. Now i remember!

One thing i've always wondered about Identity. How many agents are there in Threadstone? I get the impression its not just Bourne, The Professor, Castel, and that Apartment guy in Supremacy.

Greengrass is one the few Directors that can do Shaky Cam well. For a clear idea on how NOT to do Shaky Cam, check out Columbiana and Taken 2 & 3.

Walt Goggins was in Identity? Never realized that.

The Bourne vs Castel matchup is one of my favorite fights ever. Well shot, easy to follow. It really displays the skill and speed of the participants.