Ricardo Montalban

Those fucking lawyers give No Quarter, man.

Bron Y Aur-stomped, even.

With that $800k they don't need to find that confounded bridge. They can build one.

He's bogged down in Moonves' quagmire.


Let's send him a care package of Brylcreem and light up pens and bring back the good old doctor Stephen T. Colbert D.F.A.

Lemme add to that (with a little help from wiktionary):
1. Lacking meaningful content.
2. Showing a lack of thought or intelligence; vacant.

I googled "Jimmy Fallon" + "nice" and I got this from wiktionary:
nice, adj. (comparative: nicer, superlative: nicest)
1. One who uses obsequious compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another; a servile flatterer.

Fallon turned his inability to keep a straight face during SNL sketches to his main feature on the Tonight show.

How about blue corn chips? Those look purpl-ish.

Those two Peppers were John Frusciante and Chad Smith, right? Those two are the shadiest Peppers…


And that ain't even the real twist. They'll shit bricks.

King Please of Thank You Mountain

It fits, since now that he's dead he'll be "walking the earth' like Caine from 'Kung Fu'.

Well, Bucky did have a nice big Red Star on his robotronic bicep. That looks like commie equipment right there. Add in Zola to the mix and he's practically a pinko bosche.

Alzheimer's a bitch.

That was a very Edward Snowden-like move that Cap and Black Widow pulled off there at the end. But at least they didn't hightail it to Russia.
Then again, the Cap'n is a high profile, roided up soldier with a nigh indestructible shield, they don't dare send him to Gitmo.

That's why he's "taking the path of the righteous man" and going to walk the earth. At least according to his headstone.

Zola survived as a trojan, taking over many Windows XP machines for his zombie computer army/scattered digital consciousness.