Ricardo Montalban

Some plot elements struck me as if the directors/writers played a lot of Metal Gear Solid. There's a secret installation/sea platform infiltration; the whole Project Insight Helicarriers of Doom thing reminded me of MGS2's Arsenal Gear with its G.W. AI and S3 system(Selection for Societal Sanity, although this movie's

The Queens should show up next year and rock the snot out of the AV Club office for one of those AV Undercovers.

Looks like not even Ricky Chism could sell this one to the AV Club……like fsckin' clockwork, indeed.


Good old Dudley Dawson.

I've had dreams where I'm conversing with the band, but nothing like this.

Fall Out Boy's cover of 'Beat It' should be on Hatesong, for starters.

I always thought 'Corazon Espinado'(with Mana) was the original, Spanish version of 'Smooth'. I never knew until now that they're two different songs, on the same album even. (I'll be damned, but that's the same basic riff and backbeat that was used on 'Smooth')

I always thought 'Corazon Espinado'(with Mana) was the original, Spanish version of 'Smooth'. I never knew until now that they're two different songs, on the same album even. (I'll be damned, but that's the same basic riff and backbeat that was used on 'Smooth')

Ass-i-Move-ian, indeed.

I already live in a very arid place (Aruba) so I don't think the desert would affect me that much(unless the elevation is high). I would want to spend a week's vacation there, though.

If I were to bloodily secede from a country my little piece of land would have as its national anthem 'I'm Designer'.

You Stopped Worrying….And Learned To Love The Clock….
(cheesy, I know :) )

That's a good way to put it. The back half(after 'I Never Came') kind of feels like the come down from the relatively peppier start.

This record is nigh-flawless, straight on through to the hidden finale(which I like to take as an allusion/call back to the ending of 'R'.) This is the album that hooked me.

I feel ya.

Sure, sure, the last two albums kinda felt that way, but read just below, what Obnoxious Little Frog wrote. Hit the nail right on the head, he did.

Deutschland uber alles
Hahaha, that German guy's Spanish and Dutch parodies were spot on.
He has a point, the German language comes across as stiff and authoritarian to most non-Germans. I guess.

"The dead never really leave us"
This article was great enough to encourage to sign up an account just so I could post a comment here.
Some truly profound observations