
Then i guess you havent seen Teen Wolf? It starred both Tyler Posey and Tyler Hoechlin for about 4 seasons, after which Hoechlin left. I have loved them both ever since.

Lol it would have been weirder coming from Laurel. In 3 seasons those two ladies spent the least amount of time bonding. It has always been Connor/Micheala and Wes/Laurel bonding while Asher was always out of the loop. I prefer this scenario though to your preference. Can't even picture Micheala and Wes whispering

Well as of this episode it has been 5 months since Frank ran off and seeing the pregnancy was detected 3weeks later in the future, which will make her about 6months pregnant and she really didnt look that far along. Plus Laurel isnt really the type to pursue something with Wes when she knows she is pregnant with

Lol dnt even get me started on her family's treatment of Rafael. Its like he is nonexistent. Everytime i see them all in a room am like waiting to see if one of them will strike up a conversation with him but its always Jane who converses with him.

And them emphasising the "till death do us part" bit in their vows is also pretty damning too.

Yuck i always saw that friendship as over the top. Too forced and emphasised for my liking.

I think the triangle will still persist. They buttressed its existence so hard this episode plus the fact that Raf is still in love with the-love-of-his-life Jane shows that he might never really move on from her. Considering how she will always be a part of his life, its gonna suck for him. Poor Rafael..

Ah. I fangirl everytime i see him in a suit or one of his pink/blue/peach colored shirts. No other guy does justice to those colors like he does!!

Lol so wasnt moved. I expected it of him. He is perfect Micheal anyways so whats new?

Lol that will surely wreck me. I barely survived seeing them so disgustingly this passed season. Seeing it happen all over again will be the death of me!!

I can't remember being pissed with a JTV episode for a long time like i was with this. I found it so underwhelming and meh. This show races through plots and storyline like you can imagine, leave things barely concluded only to bring them back to mess up current situations. Whats the need to kill of Nadine? And that

I have also wondered why Raf wasn't mad at her. Or was it that he wasn't aware she did the reveal or came up with the apt title? Cause all i heard him say was how Luisa was probably unaware of what she was saying when talking to Wesley. I just don't know. I expected the article to be the deal breaker between those two

Ah definitely not soul choice! That dude at the moment seems so unfit to give advice to someone in Jane's condition. He has no reasoning capability and doesn't even give a damn that she is a mom with a young baby and that she is aso trying to juggle things while being a grad student too. I am holding on to my

Lol to take that technically she didn't need Rafael to get pregnant! She turkey basted herself didn't she?
As for the half brother angle i thought it was to be from his mom? DIdn't she go on to have another family when Emilio paid her off? That was what i gathered from it anyways unless i rewatch that episode.

Lol he was with Jane on that scheme. If i could remember right i think Jane was even the one to suggest that he go that route with Petra to get her off his back.
And for the Lachlan thing with Petra, that was just business. A good businessman will tell you that you should always think out of the box. Lachlan did

Oh what an episode! #Rafaelthevirgin and Baller Mateo(kid got serious swag!) just took the best shots place for me. The time jumps did a good job of snipping away the irrelevants and concentrating on what makes the show what it is. In no way did i miss Micheal. If it weren't obvious to his fans that he is shortlived

The twins being Roman's will be so devastating for Rafael, though i will be in support of any plot that ensures that Rafael and Petra don't have to co-parent.
Chavez being Raf;s half brother? He seems to be older than RAfael and wasnt his half bro suppose to be younger? Anyways irrelevant but if they are half brothers

Oh Baller Mateo please! lol

I'll pretty much add Rafael to the sane and non-scheming list.

I heaved a huge sigh when Rafael didnt look incline to manipulate the situation (I knew it wouldn thappen but anything goes in JTV).. Though i gotta admit i was right there with Micheal when he saw that writing on the world. I went oh no Raf you didn't!.