
I still shudder thinking of that attack. If Micheal couldnt see Mateo and put him first how did he expect to be with Jane and have Mateo's best interests at heart?

Aah. With all that happened this week, Britney kind of faded in the background for me. Ok i know that i wanted to see Jane and Micheal separated but i really wasnt expecting it this soon neither this way. Way to just 180 the dude even know yeah its obvious how badly he had it in for Rafael. Can I say how so so proud i

Oh he will definitely be hurt. I couldnt help being a masochist replaying that last shot on a loop so the look on his face and eyes is kinda permanently printed in my mind. And i so hope you are right about him not lashing out. Will like to believe that too.

Lol ikr? If it werent for those couple of scenes back in s1 of Micheal's apartment, it would have pained me to believe that he had a home!

Lol with all this relationship and emotional mess you want a New Guy for her?? Wow i will love to see how they play that out.

Lmao i also wouldnt mind them together. Do love their silly exchanges and squabbles though. And thats not the Rafael fan in me talking. Unfortunately though both Petra and Micheal have the hots for someone else.

Lol i think if Jane has a say she too will choose both! Thats why she is in such an entagled mess in the first place. She wants them both.

Well you have made mention of how he changed or how his cancer changed him. Thats the bottomlie you aren't seeing i guess. He changed, Luisa didn't. Thats simple. You shouldnt expect him to be the same or see Luisa in a different light just cause he used to be a troublemaker then. I guess thats why he is even so hard

Tell me about it! Even though it is both guys being around but it feels like it is more of Micheal who can't distance himself. Rafael has excuses to be around those sites but Micheal? Not so much. Makes me feel like they really should have a hangout location for Jane and Micheal which is not Rafael's hotel or Jane's

So true. Though am a fan of Jane but recently am getting the feeling that she is the cause of all this mess.

Lol, i so feel you! On everything!

I do't think its a problem them choosing sides but it actually doesnt do much for my spirit when every review i read the reviewer is blatantly on Micheal's side!

Thats my take on it too. She chose Rafael then cause she was going with her heart and emotions. And now it seems slike she is choosing Micheal because she feels like her plans are back on track: she is grad school, she is hangoing out with her friends again and she spent hours without thinking of Mateo. She basically

That so looks like it. It actually came to my mind last season but then got brushed away but seeing how Micheal could do no wrong since s2 started, its more obvious. Besides who in their right mind and in love (with competition to boot) gets to be so perfect? Unless he is being set up for sainthood and eventual

Couldn't agree with you more. Also agreed with all your comments above. Jane to me has a big role to play on how messy her relationships turned out with both men granted also those two played a part in it. Micheal's relentless desire to always intergrate himself with Jane and whatever issue she is dealing with at the