Heifer Madness

Actually, no, because the modern Republican party are unabashed/unaware hypocrites who will sink to any low to maintain party loyalty and achieve their goals of destruction of progressivism.

He couldn't possibly have said that- we'll have to track down the real culprit he was plagiarizing from!

While that would certainly be satisfyingly karmic, it would be much more productive if, say, Texas and Kansas were wiped off the map by biblical plagues. Then we could get our textbooks fixed and not have to get progressively dumber and dumber, and have this fucked up cycle repeat itself.

The Hound got infected from a bite nearly to the point of death.

Shape of you sounds like a Diplo song with the energy sucked out of it. It may be the best thing Sheeran's done, but it's still mediocre.

You caught me, I have nothing better to do than lie about superhero movies and argue for entertainment. It certainly wasn't that you had a reductive, vague, and broad statement that could have been taken any number of ways.
You're really good at this. And by "this" I mean making spurious statements and then being a

Well the general message of your comment is "We'd all be better off if we didn't like these movies so people would stop making them. Because they're bad."
The gist of my comment is "They're not really that bad and they're not really that overwhelming in terms of quantity. The real problem is people's perception of

Has there ever been a point at which blockbusters have been cerebral and artistically accomplished? I can't recall any in my lifetime, but I could be wrong. If you mean that the movies today just aren't as entertaining and of as high quality as simple entertainment, that's up to taste. Personally I'd prefer some

I'm sure he'd swear an oath if it would increase his credibility even a bit. I'm also sure he would lie like fucking crazy under oath without a second thought.

On the verge of being tears of blood.

Just like Westerns! There are like, 4 superhero movies a year, we've reached the saturation point! Nevermind that there are hundreds of rom-coms, modern-day action movies, crime thrillers etc every year, these few, mostly consistently good superhero action movies must go!

I dunno, I think the sun is setting on Whedon's time as beloved geek icon. He took a lot of heat over Age of Ultron and more recently got hit hard on his leaked Wonder Woman script. (I haven't read the whole thing, but the cited excerpts featured so far haven't offended me the way they have others). It seems like he's

Yeah, they probably should've got the guy who directed Pixels.

Scott Pilgrim has very little message. It's really just a bunch of video game references and ironic hipster humor, used in the best possible way. The "love isn't always where you look for it" thing is kind of incidental; Scott is a dummy for going to all these lengths for the wrong girl, but that's what the movie

I disagree. Ant-Man feels different than the phase 1 movies. It has a smaller scale (pun intended) and instead of saving the world, which I guess also happens, he's just interested in finding a way to provide for himself and his daughter and be a father again. Those are some good personal stakes. If anything, the

I wish it didn't have the "Blue" song in it and that Guy Pearce's villain was better because I love him as an actor but he always seems to get lame roles. Aside from that, it's fantastic.

Cappadonna has an incredible verse on Winter Warz and a few other songs on Ironman, and his album The Pillage is pretty solid too. Masta Killa comes through with those long, story-rich verses like on Careful (Click Click) and Da Mystery of Chessboxing. U-God has some killers too, but seems to turn in the highest

Every member kicks a huge amount of ass. I'd say the core is actually Raekwon, Ghostface, Methodman and ODB, and the RZA's production. The Genius sort of took himself out of the Clan more and more, Deck seems less like a team player than the others, and Masta Killa, Cappadonna and U-God are all second tier to some

First: I enjoy your posts, and I assume that what we're having here is a case of miscommunication and not condescension.

I refuse to accept a definition of "elect" that includes losing the popular vote, utilizing corrupt districting to swing electoral votes, voter intimidation and disenfranchisement, and foreign interference.
He was voted for by millions of racist pieces of shit. But he was not elected. I'm not in denial, I refuse to