Heifer Madness

Let's move a nice homoerotic one right in front of the Alabama courthouse.

Does he make our civil rights disappear?

Yeah, it's certainly rude of us to not forgive him for his egregious yellow journalism, hatemongering, sponsorship of bigotry, and architecture of the political and economic ruin we are now experiencing. Water under the bridge, old boy.

Uh, it basically ends our brinkmanship with them because it shows that we have no actual interest or strategic intentions in fighting a war with NK, despite what our Kim Jong Un (limited orange edition) leader says?
That's the best I can figure.

Schools were doing their best, but it's hard when half the Boomers were cutting education as much as they could get away with, and allowing things like "Creation Science" to be taught.
One by one, the parent proxies fall… and everyone says "Why aren't teachers doing their jobs?"

Straight from the fanged mouth of an expert.

I'm sure even he realizes that Trump supporters don't "think".

Rush's huge gut is the source of his power. Fat = foresight.

But will we see what's inside the pouches? I've always wondered and it would just answer so many questions.

I also really like Iron Man 2, I don't understand why it gets all the hate it does. The only complaints I have are that Black Widow seems a little tacked on without a proper introduction (although still a decent performance) and Mickey Rourke's performance. I think that has a lot to do with his recent role in The

I have no problem with them being white, I'm white myself.
I have a problem with them generally bullying everyone from a soapbox that they've done very little, if anything, to use for support of causes or anything but spreading condemnation of different issues and people. I wouldn't go so far as to accuse them of

I'm kind of boggled by the thought that people seem to have that South Park is sophisticated or clever satire. I've been saying for years it's "current event plus shit joke"- "the show [is] sort of a scatological op-ed" according to the article. It's a show exclusively from the point of view of rich white guys who

“I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals,” Stone said
-The actual fucking article right above you.

But isn't the Flash fast enough to be in two places at once so none of them would believe him?
It's like superhero gaslighting.

Wow, fucking riveting, AV Club. This isn't news, it isn't anything. Is @Midnight some Dawes shit? Why in the world would you give any attention to this at all?

Would he have been a better appointment if he were a poor boy from a poor family?

Agreed, it's the only way to truly experience immersion. I also only watch the film negative version, it really captures the filmmaking experience on screen.

Dumbness leads to awfulness in many cases. Retaliation over perceived inferiority to the intellekshuls is probably responsible for a lot of the Trump voters' decisions. Inability to comprehend consequences leads to things like rollback of environmental policies, and aggressive bullshit like "rolling coal". And a

Because you can never put the genie back inside the bottle. There will never not be angry radio demagogues after Limbaugh, there will never not be paranoid rabble-rouser "pundits" after Beck, and there will unfortunately probably never not be wacko alien conspiracy theorists blaming things on mind-controlling chili