Heifer Madness

We didn't elect him, and it puzzles me every time I read that.

It's all about Meliora, man.

I saw them with Mastodon and Gojira before I knew who Ghost were, and I was really impressed. I thought the stage show was really good, although it was really just Emeritus while the others played. I was disappointed later when I got their album and it wasn't as heavy, and Emeritus's voice doesn't come across as well

I'm predicting a surprisingly strong showing at the Grammys for Russian and North Korean artists this year.

Given the horrible things he's responsible for propagating, wouldn't you say it's time he gets publicly discredited and excoriated?
If anything, there are far too few consequences to the kind of demagoguery that cause threats to public safety and misinformation. Jones deserves to pay a price. Of course, Kelly is a very

That seems like an unnecessarily narrow worldview.

I don't know, but I'd be willing to bet it's amaizeing.

Also punched.

I can excuse Spectre's flaws because that movie is just so gorgeously shot that it can get a pass on nearly everything else. Also, some of the best action scenes in recent memory. The helicopter fight, the Bautista car chase and train fight, and of course the largest practical explosion in the history of cinema- that

Elizabeth Olson is poorly cast. She could be replaced without any troubles. I also feel like Zoe Saldana could be replaced to better effect.

"Average" is giving them an awful lot of credit.

Here's hoping we get some Face/Off shit and Obama assumes Pence's identity prior to Trump being executed for treason by goats gnawing his dick off.

We may have the world's largest and most expensive military- but we're getting our asses handed to us through espionage by Russia. They're funding and advancing the conflicts in the middle east, which keeps our very impressive military mired over there as long as they want, and they've thrown our entire political and

Never forget that we didn't elect him. A gerrymandered minority, benefiting from a media that gave infinite free publicity, an ignorant voter base, hostile Russian intervention, and the unprecedented and ill-considered James Comey letter all interacted to produce a result that does not reflect the votes of the country.

So you must have been too young to remember the Bush administration, then. Shit fell apart FAST, with all kinds of wars we are STILL stuck in getting started practically overnight, the education system being fucked with in ways we're still trying to fix even as DeVos tries to dismantle it to hand money to private

That would appear to be a very dry sense of humor about my wet belt. I meant that it confused me both why and how a company would choose and be able to simulate leather with some type of cardboard.
But in the end, it was just waisted effort.

You joke, but I once bought a belt I thought was leather and was later surprised to find out was some kind of pulp composite which dissolved when I wore it in the rain.
I have no idea how in the fuck that happened.

Agents of Shield never became fantastic. It went from bad CW show quality to passable CW show quality.

Don't sell your children's parts on eBay!

From the outside of the fandom, it makes zero sense to me why there even is one. He's really vocally talented, but doesn't really write songs, he just kind of drifts through a song. The instrumental aspects feel really undercooked. The wait between albums is perplexing, considering that, to me, they seem so simplistic