Heifer Madness

Seriously. I love all of Doom's work, but that's my favorite by a large margin.

And most of them were fantastic, unlike these Mila Jovovich cinematic abortions.

Because Damon Lindelof.

The answer to all questions in Prometheus are "because Damon Lindelof".

Based on his name, I'd assume that on at least one occasion one of the meats was finger.

A film about the two most iconic hip hop artists, starring a white dude! Truly , a film for our times.

Hardcore Henry is a masterpiece and I will hear nothing to the contrary. One of the few movies to live up to the Crank films, and worthy of respect as such.

I'm pretty sure we're in the fore-lash stage right now.

Personally my favorites are Guero, Morning Phase , and Mellow Gold , in that order.
So it sounds like we have pretty opposite tastes in terms of Beck.

Personally I like Guero the best-another Dust Bros. record. I always love Beck albums, and feel he's somewhat similar to Gorillaz in that collaborators have a big impact but that he's still the driving force.

I will admit they're not as cohesive as his more album-y albums like Odelay, Guero, Sea Change, Morning Phase, Midnite Vultures , Modern Guilt, etc.
But being able to list 6 great albums kinda proves the point.

Are you telling me you can't appreciate some good blues and country thrown into a blender and mixed together with ketamine and a copy of Metal Machine Music?

It also helps that Beck is a god damn genius and that he crafts whole albums, not just a couple singles and a smattering of other songs.

The baby masks look like something a bunch of gangers from Akira or The Warriors would wear.

WTF is bible bread?

An added subliminal layer of trolling .

Out of curiosity, what is a first rate reality star?
Maybe the subject of a documentary?
I'm at a loss to think of anything under the reality TV umbrella that has not been regressive, culturally damaging trash.

-Food unavailable in Detroit/Flint.

Oh God please yes.

Then they could peel open their chest cavities with glassy, cold eyes to hand their cargo to the addressee.
That's a future I want to live in.