Heifer Madness

Teach the controversy!

The ACLU and Supreme Court can block civil rights abuses a la Pence, but not impulsive war-starting missile launches a la Trump.

And dragons control 95% of the wealth!

Wouldn't they have to take his mask off first to make sure he was black , though?

A live action Scooby Doo reboot makes me wonder what tone we'll get
'"Rarkness! Ro Rarents!"?

It's much more worrying what it will result in for our country.

People with Confederate flags have no capacity for shame, thus why their flag cannot be turned upside down.

Shia Labeouf. Azealia Banks.

Oh, don't worry, they'll go back to interviewing mostly banal indie musicians and self-important comedians soon. Personally, I think taking an opportunity to be part of a well constructed meta-fiction is a much more worthwhile use of their time, for the short while that this will last.

Also, in the case of Gorillaz, the music is listenable.

Holy shit, that's what happened to the dinosaurs! Did they know too much?

I find it somewhat ironic, since part of Superman's status as the All-American Superhero (even moreso than Captain America, strangely) makes him the default favorite of most of the racists and white supremacists. Not to mention that some no doubt see him as a representation of the White Ubermensch.
I wonder what they

Well at least we know who to call when we're being destroyed from a million lightyears away by the aliens triggering a supernova reaction in our sun or something to that effect.

Well, based on Scott's strange opinion it wouldn't be a huge leap of logic to assume he may be a fan of Alex Jones, which places him a single degree of separation from the Orange Satan.

He's not wrong; if aliens that were capable of reaching us wanted to eliminate us, they would be able to do it with a trivial amount of effort. Considering our species' destructive power, and that we are nowhere close to developing the kind of energy and tech required to travel faster than light, one can only assume

Well, he has directed Alien, Prometheus, and The Martian (maybe even others, but I'm too lazy to check IMDB) so there's sort of a poetic element to the fact that he has such a strange and uninformed opinion on aliens.

…it's how you use your military-industrial complex.

Yeah, that's EASILY long enough to choke someone to death.

Yeah, like some kind of basket of deplorables, or something.

Nah, man, Plastic Beach is the king. I love the first trilogy, but they only got better up until Plastic Beach came out, the best album of all time.