Heifer Madness

Kendrick is one of the artists with whom I've had the hardest time approaching each new album. I liked Section.80 a bit, but not a lot, and didn't get GKMC at first. Over time, it grew to be one of my favorite hip hop albums (and still my favorite in his discography). The same thing happened with TPAB, and untitled.

This is like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object… Is Star Wars too big to fail, or is Del Toro's curse strong enough to get even it mothballed?

I guess it depends. If the prime of an artist's career is defined as when they're new and novel, then sure. They're well established.
I'd say they're still capable of releasing the greatest music around, if things work out. So far, all the tracks released have led me to believe this is going to be a great record.

As much as everyone says Gorillaz have become irrelevant, I think that's ridiculous.
A band that's sold 20 million albums, been successful in all types of different media, and been the face of multiple huge products is hard to call irrelevant. On top of that, consider that they have the clout to launch their own

Oh, I disagree. I like the Thor films more than most people, but he's just phoning it in in those.

Ah, I haven't seen Westworld. That would probably be his best recent performance, I'd guess, based on all the good stuff I've heard about the series. I've gotta watch that show.

Has he been good in anything since The World's Fastest Indian?
It seems to me he has Nicolas Cage-level bad taste in projects. Seriously, I can't think of another actor of his caliber that slums so goddamn hard.

I think a lot of what motivated their vote was just to punish liberals. That certainly seems to be a lot of what's coming to the surface. More excitement over "we won, take that!" than anything that's actually happening.
Except for all the hate crimes. They seem to be having a field day with that stuff.

I'm sure none of this has to do with the abuse and harassment she's facing from internet MRAs.

Have you noticed they're not big on the Bill of Rights or the abolition of slavery?

I haven't seen it, but based on the incredibly consistent quality of her other films I have to assume there's at least something redeeming about it.

Good god, that film was gorgeous.

Better than YouTube comment sections

If the movie is his piss take on action blockbusters and sequels, why in the world would he want to turn it into a larger franchise? And why would we want to watch movies he didn't want to make?

That's a fairly harsh conclusion to jump to. Disliking Future's music in particular doesn't imply anyone's a racist. I'm a big fan of hip hop, and Future drives me up the wall.

I had a feeling it was that outfit. It does indeed look like the assassin outfit, a little bit.
As much as I dislike her, I think that outfit is pretty cool. I have no idea in what context it would actually fit, but it seems to have a certain aesthetic panache to it. If only it weren't draped over a trash monster.

Unfortunately that image is gone, and I can only imagine it was amazing. Do you have another link?

I love Colbert, but at this point I think it's becoming way more important to call out the administration with serious commentary than it is to use humor. We're beyond that point, and we need to do something about it besides laugh.

It doesn't make sense for US-born people of color to have to watch foreign movies to feel represented. They are a part of our culture, not the foreign country they came from, and deserve to be included and not cast out.