Fake Norse!
Fake Norse!
I find that ironic based on the fact that Burr's entire comedy persona is "look at these sensitive PC idiots".
I agree with you that temper tantrums and whining aren't going to do any good, and joking about and normalizing harmful behavior is outright destructive to our ability to differentiate what's news and what's humor.
I'm glad you are against normalizing bad behavior. I take issue with some of the things you've said in…
Isn't it astounding to you how many Americans are Nazis, though? It's a very rational response to look at the numbers and influence of the alt-right and feel discomfort and disgust. Not so rational to say "Hey guys, they're not THAT bad!"
Honestly, if you're just tired of hyperbole and jokes, I see where you're coming…
You should watch the film it's based on. It's certainly not attacking white people. If anything, it's cogently helping raise awareness of racial issues. I think most people just see the title and jump to a conclusion, but it's really quite a good movie.
What exactly are you getting out of playing devil's advocate for a racist, unqualified kleptocrat all day long?
Do you think it makes you seem well-reasoned and unbiased? That it's the mark of a mature person to straighten out hyperbole and give reality checks to special snowflakes?
What do you hope to achieve here?
Ocean at the End of the Lane is Coraline for adults. Aside from that, though, yes, it seems like he hasn't really done anything for adults since Trigger Warnings, which were all reprinted stories anyway. So I guess that would make Anansi Boys his most recent adult work?
Probably not, but she sure is a Lie Factory!
While you think the situations they described are both incorrect, I can speak from personal experience (as you are doing) that it is in fact very common for employers to have official (if false) tax documentation in which paychecks are issued and taxes removed. It is in fact, the standard outside of most fields that…
Famously subtitled "Slavic Boogaloo".
Big fan of The Exorcist here, and can't stand Rosemary's Baby. Aside from Mia Farrow's performance, that movie is just terrible.
The one with the rhino is Ecko. Your whiteness is showing, bro.
In its favor, Comic Sans is an incredibly easy font for the dyslexic to process. I used to hate it too, but upon learning that I re-evaluated it and think it's pretty important.
Yeah, it sure was. I liked the idea enough that, although we didn't do anything official, I made up my own version of an Accountant bagel and would try to convince people to get it. No one had any idea why I was pushing this bagel so hard, because we weren't actually doing a promotion and everyone thought The…
I haven't seen The Accountant, but for about a month, the bagel shop I work at kept getting calls from Warner's PR department, basically begging us to do a promotion with them and create an Accountant-themed bagel and help them advertise their movie. I'm not sure why they thought it would be important to their movie…
Two-Headed Shark Attack is my current favorite crazy low-budget shark movie. Danny Trejo and whoever the wrestler was who played Steve are amazing, and that movie delivers on just about every level of badness and over-the-top nonsense that is possible, and then just a little bit more.
This shitty movie has a female director? Call GamerGate! This must not be allowed to happen again! Keep women out of movies, for the common good!
That's 100% true. After CtS and Blood Mountain's success, they tried to do a more radio friendly sound, with songs like Curl of the Burl or to some extent Death Valley on The Hunter, and stuff like Halloween on OMRTS. What's great though, is that they've done some weird stuff that's definitely not radio friendly at…
Once More Round The Sun is… fine, and The Hunter has its moments but it's so all over the place that it doesn't work as an album at all. I don't think they've ever made a bad release, certainly not on the level of Metallica where they just shat the bed after the Black Album and never made anything remotely good again.
I love Leviathan, but I think Crack The Skye gives it a run for its money. And Joseph Merrick isn't perfect- although it's the only dull spot on an otherwise incredible album.
It does seem that they won't reach the heights of Leviathan or CtS again, given the last two albums' sort of general just-sort-of-goodness.