I love Mastodon and have seen them several times, but I'm really hesitant to see Eagles of Death Metal and give them money considering their frontman's history of xenophobia.
I love Mastodon and have seen them several times, but I'm really hesitant to see Eagles of Death Metal and give them money considering their frontman's history of xenophobia.
Can they both lose? That would be so much better.
It's so depressing to know that being President isn't enough to get this piece of shit to stop focusing on meaningless crap like his reality show to RUN THE GODDAMN WORLD.
I'd say it's much more likely he's always just been an entitled, ignorant asshole. Making him the victim is giving him too much credit.
I actually prefer El-P to Killer Mike. So there.
Hey, angry video game nerds need to be catered to no matter what, or else we get shit like the 2016 election.
As soon as the conspiracy stuff started coming out. Ghengis Khan is an Assassin! DaVinci is an Assassin! They're enlightened by alien artifacts and are guiding the world in secret- to stop the other secret faction which is guiding the world and is enlightened by alien artifacts!
It is the most head-slappingly stupid…
Uh, the story was already complete garbage by the beginning of #2, and only got worse from there. The first game only escapes total ludicrousness by virtue of its story being relatively simple by comparison and focusing mostly on the stabbing.
Hey, it can be two things.
Hate speech, libel, and fake news have a lot more in common than you let on here. The circulation of infographics with fake statistics claiming to be sourced from news, government agencies, and other such places was widespread and referenced and used by people for the purposes of advancing a racist agenda.
By allowing…
It's definitely an issue of social media not taking anywhere near enough action to enforce moderation and removal of hate speech, harassment, and other forms of internet abuse. If there weren't wide-open platforms for racists and hatemongers of all types to spread their bullshit because companies aren't interested in…
You are a particularly dangerous kind of idiot.
I don't really see how it is apparent in the text, because the book may be militaristic and fascistic, but it isn't racist (at least not in the way of stereotyping races as inferior or animalistic) and the film doesn't show the society as racist in any way either, really, just hyper-jingoistic and militaristic.
If that's the case, then equating the bugs with Native Americans is pretty racist. Given that the film is so excellently satirical in almost every regard, I'm still much more likely to assume that it's because some Space Mormons thought it was their duty to preach the word to insect aliens.
Do you mean Joffrey Baratheon-Trump?
The entire book is a case for military dictatorship and the use of force as the best way to govern.
If you don't think that's fascism, then I don't think you know what fascism is.
And that guy both looks and speaks very similarly to Tucker Carlson…
I always thought the Mormon outpost was a joke either about their belief that they were meant to rule over planets for their faithfulness, or that they were on a mission trip to try to spread the word of God to the bugs.
Both of those strike me as much more likely given that they're more satirical than a fringe Mormon…
Obama and his security let people carry assault rifles into his goddamn town hall meetings to respect their "right to bear arms" even though it was clearly meant as intimidation. He certainly went to no lengths to take people's guns away, despite the persistent notion that this is item #1 on liberals' agenda.
Actually, he was blaming security guards based on an assumption made based on their race. Since they were there, he is in fact the one blaming victims, and those types of accusations conflate all Muslims with ISIS which is extremely harmful.
You're wrong.
Stop trying to justify his shitty behavior.