Heifer Madness

I assume she wants to win by as large a margin as possible. As the first woman president, it would give her more perceived legitimacy if she had a public mandate. The concerns of "it's a rigged election" from Trump and his sub-Neanderthal supporters aren't taken seriously by anyone, so there's no disadvantage

Is that even a possibility? Is it possible to change the nominee so close to the election short of their death or conclusive proof of guilt of a capital crime or something?

Snipes is probably very in line with Trump on his tax policies.

Trump will be done politically. He burns his bridges constantly, and doesn't get much to show for it aside from media attention.
It's much more important to make this stick to the GOP. No one should ever forget that they're the party of Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes, and that they perpetuate racism and classism in

The modern Republican party is entirely hard-line obstructionist. There is no goodwill to be won, they're going to declare a total embargo on anything she tries to do just like they did with Obama. I think the electorate will be more outspoken about it this time, after steadily growing more exasperated with this shit

No, thank god.
It's part of the Millar EdgeLord Cinematic Universe.

Yeah, and Terry Gilliam was interested in directing! So we'll probably be getting it right after he finishes his Don Quixote movie, which is totally still happening, for reals.

Plural, because it's a collective noun.

I'm not very familiar with him on the comics, but Hardy's performance was an all-time bad one. My beef is with him.

Anybody want to take bets on how much self-aggrandizement of Roc-a-fella and Jay's other ventures this will include?

There's no accounting for taste, but I find Bane to be the absolute nadir of supervillains. I haven't seen Suicide Squad, and I hate all the shit that Leto pulled, but I have a hard time believing that even that could be worse than Bane.

So I guess don't buy them, and let others enjoy it?

Because they had to title the article "List of movies with the most deaths- #1 will shock you!"
Union rules.

The first season had 2 characters to focus on, and was still primarily interested in McConaughey. The second juggled a core cast of 5, and I found 3 of them pretty great, so I think it works out.
As far as the writing, I think part of it was that it felt a little forced to feel occult when it was really a story about

It's pretty well narratively justified. He's not an active officer, he quit due to the case. They brought him in for information, and the only condition he'd give them the information they wanted is if they let him drink and smoke since he's stuck in his depressive downward spiral.
Sure, it's noirish, but not

Farrell, Kitsch, and Vaughn were all good. Personally, I've never liked Vaughn outside of Dodgeball, so I was impressed. McAdams did well with a spottily written role, but I didn't think it was enough, ultimately.
I didn't like the ultimate reveal of the season as to who the killer was, but there was a lot of

Can we stop acting like True Detective season 2 was some egregious sin against television? It was good, even great in a lot of parts. Not everything can be as good as the lightning-in-a-bottle, career re-defining, passion project that was season 1, which has the benefit of being worked over for years by Pizzolato.

That's a silly reason to miss out on two of the greatest albums of the 2000's. I mean, he's great, but the Gorillaz are not wanting for lack of talented producers and have only grown better with time in my opinion (excepting The Fall).

I'd love a Gorillaz graphic novel, but that's far from necessary to enjoy the wonderfulness of the music and the associated multimedia art projects.

You won't be Nissin out on much.