Undoubtedly part of Trump's cross-promotion for Sandler, soon to be revealed as a member of his cabinet.
Undoubtedly part of Trump's cross-promotion for Sandler, soon to be revealed as a member of his cabinet.
Agreed on all counts; Tideland is both cheesy/over-the-top and chilling and lyrical. Imaginarium had the misfortune of following Ledger's zeitgeist-defining performance with one that was somewhat incomplete, although excellent and the film works around it deftly. I think due to Ledger's high performance at the time, a…
Right, it's certainly not an easy watch. The two films I compared it to, Antichrist and Requiem, are also "one-watch masterpieces" for a lot of people. But that doesn't make any of them bad films; people who judge films primarily on their pleasantness, and not on their other characteristics as well are missing a big…
You are so effortlessly loathsome, it's really kind of impressive.
Still, fuck you.
Here's the deal:
Zero Theorem is excellent. It's a lot like Brazil, which obviously invited a comparison that very few movies can live up to. It's week worth a watch though. If you like Transmetropolitan, this is a cinematic journey through a part of that world.
Imaginarium was also excellent. Aside from dodgy CGI,…
Having watched the program, she does not do that.
Being fucked up on ecstasy, breaking a glass that chopped off a piece of his finger, and then dipping it in paint to write denigrating things about Heard on a mirror with. Backed up by photos, police report, and medical visit records. I can only imagine what else she went through.
Edit: http://www.news.com.au/ente…
That's not a very reasonable thing to assume about people you don't know in a case you have no information in aside from tabloid reports.
Yeah, there is not any clear reasoning that explains it really. Maybe he REALLY thought Depp was innocent and needed someone to stick up for him, but it looked pretty victim-shamey at the time and given what's come out since it looks downright malicious and dishonest.
I know Stanhope has never claimed to be a nice guy,…
Stanhope is friends with Depp and wrote a piece about how he thought Amber Heard was trying to extort him through her accusation of domestic violence. Pretty fucked up thing to do.
I'm pretty sure Stanhope is kind of an untouchable right now thanks to the Johnny Depp thing.
Very lizard?
Which is exactly how it occurred in the book, and is quite intentional on Martin's part: Oberyn has the Mountain outclassed, has poisoned him, and has already won, but he's too impassioned in the moment and too theatrical to avoid making one fatal mistake. It's one of the best moments of the entire series, in terms of…
Nice spoiler warning AFTER putting the cause of death in the title and the dead character in the header pic.
A1 troll job, B.G.
Well, there are a lot of amateur Bono impersonators, but very few manage to go pro.
Nothing happens, the characters are completely uninteresting and unsympathetic, and offensively shaky camerawork are all totally valid reasons to dislike a film.
There are a lot of films that can still pull it off despite having maybe one of these flaws, but Blair Witch isn't one of them.
I'm normally not a fan of jump scares, but I'd take just about anything that could spice up the soporific slog of The Blair Witch Project.
That scene made me wish that A Serious Man was as good as that opening vignette.
I loved Lazaretto and it was my favorite album of 2014.
Wear sweaters and bring shame to the noble art of rapping.