The movie has a lot of problems, but Tom Hardy alone relegates it to a pretentious joke of a film.
The movie has a lot of problems, but Tom Hardy alone relegates it to a pretentious joke of a film.
Highlight from the list's "in-depth reasoning":
Boyhood: It Took Twelve Years To Make! (tm)
Hey, looks like Killer Mike is doing an EP with Big Boi, so not only do we get a project separate from El-P, we get some dungeon family vibes, too:…
I don't recall any slut-shaming on her part. It seemed to me that she was picking up on the pressure that Nancy was feeling to fit in with the cool kids and do things she wasn't comfortable with deep down and was trying to remind her of who she really was.
Also, she subverted the trope of partying teens dying, because…
I like them both together and solo. I think they should stick with RTJ for at least another album though before doing solo albums again, because RTJ2 was so massive in the zeitgeist. It might also be cool if they did solo albums bundled together like Speakerboxx/The Love Below.
You're right, they should be ashamed of punching down at a world famous tv star athlete criminal.
No, I'm very lonely. So lonely. Thank you for validating my existence with your response.
They're kind of all over the place, so if you want more like Gorillaz you may be out of luck:
Beck- Guero
Gnarls Barkley- St. Elsewhere
Crystal Castles- II
Earth- The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull
The Body- I Shall Die Here
Songs Ohia- Magnolia Electric Co.
Wovenhand- Consider The Birds
Mastodon- Crack The Skye &…
Except that I'm sure there were plenty of other actors, many of them no doubt better than Leto, willing and indeed eager to play the Joker.
I've been thinking for a while that if this movie didn't play out amazingly for Leto he'd basically be blacklisted. That type of behavior, particularly against heavyweights like Smith, a rising star like Robbie, and respected actors like Davis is not going to work out well. I think Leto would basically have to win…
Man, it seems like you really take the "you can only be a fan of one company" thing very seriously.
I consider it to be among the best albums of this millennium.
May I recommend hot pants?
I'm sure he'd love to talk about himself if only someone would ask.
Let's all watch as this guy gets Steven Universe'd by HP fans over daring to comment on their sacred text. That should be fun.
I got a Community notification for this?
That's genius.
Well, Star Trek Beyond sucks.
I think that most of the time we only hear about reshoots when a movie is already looking to be a disaster, or after the fact, so there's a selection bias there.
All 3 Lord of the Rings films had reshoots, for instance, but that wasn't even widely known until recently. I think what's…
Seeing prior movies in order to understand the third film in a franchise? What a surprising notion!
Seriously, do people not know how sequels work?
I am in the extremely small minority of people who enjoyed the movie. It's kind of a prequel, but is so similar in plot that it's also a very faithful remake. I liked the Thing creature designs (of course) and felt it was well-paced, well-acted, and entertaining.
One terrible aspect of it, and the primary reason people…