Heifer Madness

The Thing 2011 film had Mary Elizabeth Winstead in the lead role. What are your thoughts on the gender-progressiveness of that move?

I'd say Percy Jackson is one of the better mass-market tween fiction series around. Prose isn't something most of them are developmentally capable of appreciating, and I think the series is pretty decent with the added bonus of being a gateway to mythology for kids.
Since the overwhelming majority ranges from

I work in an elementary school and I haven't heard Narnia mentioned by kids since 2011 when the last film came out.
Everything is Percy Jackson and fairy tale adaptations these days, and sensations have a pretty short shelf life. It seems like things are pretty trendy for about a year and then they're gone. Narnia is

I can only imagine that they'll throw $200 million at this and then be shocked that they lose money on a series of old books that most young readers today haven't heard of and that most people associate with a recent, mediocre film series.
"General audiences don't want 100-year-old allegories about Christ-lions written

I think the shavepate is a good character, so that's one Meerenese person who's at least developed and relevant.
Also, Dany is often outmaneuvered by her enemies in Essos, who to my understanding are mostly more clever than her. She got played by Mirri Maz Duhr, the warlocks, Sallador Sahn, and the Wise Masters.

I dunno, Fox also has gigantic gold letters and they're even more odiously neo-conservative.

We're gonna make an unwatchable piece of junk, and we're gonna make the fans pay for it.

Yes, that may be the case. But the public has been decrying "the split 1 movie into more" trend pretty much since the beginning, and studios were doing it because they thought they could still get away with it.
Even if these movies were always intended to be separate, the perception was that they were 2 parts of the

I was actually saying that I think Thanos could support 2 films. One of the MCU's biggest problems imo is that they tend to throw villains away after one movie when they may have the potential to be more. Particularly Red Skull, who I really miss.

I actually quite like shawarma. I know that the product of some lesser establishments can trigger difficult Fort saves, though.

Yeah, I also read it as Marvel & Disney seeing that the bottom is falling out of the "split one movie into two" fad. The Divergent debacle is a pretty strong warning sign.
Granted, Marvel basically prints money so they could probably manage to be the exception to the rule at least once, but I think it's better not to

Great video. Really impressive how strong of an effect they got out of just two people, walking. I loved the way the lyrics synced up to it as well.

DC has made a bold choice by adding time travel, which inevitably creates continuity clusterfucks and lowers the stakes drastically, into their vestigial and already struggling cinematic universe.

Hey, shwarma's a bitch. They had to know that it would come back to haunt them.

They had to wait until there were no more Game of Thrones newswires to post.

Well I learned something today. That's pretty squicky.

Would it help if the movie changed its semantics to "drug that progressively increases the power of the human brain by 10x"?
I basically make this mental substitution and I loved Lucy. The fact that it's based on junk science didn't bug me.

This may come as a surprise to you, but Besson is not an assassin, and Leon is not an autobiography.

It really would work well as a nightmarish surreal journey through Batman's mind after being dosed by fear gas.

Is that where the beef has been all these years?