Heifer Madness

I was too young to see the movie in theaters, but I remember that people thought it was terrifying and would never shut up about it, albeit talking about it in very vague terms. Finally when I was old enough to enjoy horror films and buy them, I got it from a $2 bin. Never have I been more let down by a movie. Without

For me, it's "remember how terrible the Blair Witch was? Here it is again!"

I'd assume it didn't really have legs because after people realized it was two hours of people wandering with a wildly trembling camera, and not a real documentary of a woods witch who hangs out out of frame and makes people stand in corners, there was little demand to revisit the boredom on home video.
And then,

How many Alfa Romeos do you own?

I can't get into The Fall either, and Gorillaz are one of my favorite groups. Plastic Beach is amazing, though. I didn't like it at first though, aside from a few songs. Now I consider it their best.
I trust Albarn and I'm looking forward to whatever he decides, although I'll be disappointed if it turns out like The

I have to admit to never having seen another WW animated feature, so I don't really have an opinion. I just have a big thing for Lucy Lawless (as all right-minded people do) and remembered that she got to be WW in that feature.

She did at least voice WW in one of the animated movies. Better than nothing!

The word "bemulleted" is dangerously funny.
You gotta be careful with that one, bro.

Having her as a point of view character helped me to get into the show but as time went on, I started to feel more and more that she wasn't necessary and that there was a lot more potential in other characters. At this point, I feel like she just keeps repeating the same mistakes and character arcs. I'd rather that

"Rip off its head and shit down its throat"? That's definitely not what this article was doing. It's a yuuuuuuuuuuge exaggeration.

I think so too. My enjoyment of her as a character has gone up and down throughout the first three seasons, but now I'm over her.
I wonder if she's somehow required to be in the show though because it's based on the book or licensing terms or something. I don't know exactly how that works, but I hope not.

It seems to me that the show has been moving away from Piper as the protagonist more and more, and I hope that it ultimately results in moving her to the sidelines. She's just terrible, and there are a lot of other characters more deserving and interesting.
I don't think that removing the white protagonist at this

That's a huge exaggeration of the tone of this article. Don't misrepresent it.

This is exactly what I was thinking. It was really clear to me that Bayley was a beneficiary of white privilege in a situation that ruined a POC's life (when she was arrested and placed in a cycle of violence and oppression in the prison for her crime) and then resulted in her death later down the line. The theme of

That's a valid interpretation, but the definition I gave is also supported and why would you want to say that about someone?
It's very similar argument to "a faggot is a bundle of sticks, so I can use it however I want". If the people it's used to refer to prefer not to be called by that term and it has historically

I can't take him seriously. He doesn't even have any metal teeth or forehead tattoos.

Eskimo isn't an Inuit word they use to refer to themselves. It's a word assigned by others and means "eater of raw meat" which is considered very insulting.

Misleading headlines! Marvel isn't making the series. WTF AVC (BBQ?)

Yes, let's all laugh at Snyder the sexist as we make period jokes about one of the only female superheroes to get a movie.

You know who else wanted to catch em all? The Nazis, that's who!