Yes, but a lot of people assume that is because white males can write for all audiences, but that things created by other people will be built to appeal to niche audiences only.
Yes, but a lot of people assume that is because white males can write for all audiences, but that things created by other people will be built to appeal to niche audiences only.
I'm sure that a woman could create shows similar to those. But hopefully we won't have to choose between Metalocalypse & Frisky Dingo and whatever the future female contributors produce, but rather a larger pool of creators will raise the level of competition and quality and result in the replacement of trash like…
That's an episode I don't get the love for. I found Listen really boring, one of the weakest of the season.
You mean every music and entertainment news outlet on the internet?
You joke, but he did cancel a swath of dates from BOTH of his last two solo tours. I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen again at all.
The only thing I've heard of her doing is convincing Martin to cut off the conclusion of ADWD. So instead of trimming feast scenes or "where do whores go?", let's remove the climax. She's a one of a kind talent, she is.
It's impossible not to condescend and snark to a sack of hammers like Podrick. Even someone as chivalrous as Brienne can't stand it forever.
Bronn with pretty much anyone will turn out well. Pod, on the other hand, rivals Jon Snow for least expressive performance on the show.
Yeah, since Doran is dead in the show that plot thread is pretty much over I would say.
Seriously. In the books, the Hound is dying of infection from a fucking bite, and in the show Arya gets disemboweled only to shrug it off.
In the books she is not opposed to getting down with as many men as she pleases.
It was a MASSIVE letdown that he only killed the one. There should have been sparrow limbs hanging from the rafters in that scene.
That may be true. I know that I'd watch a Gilliam Watchmen movie, and I'm sure it would work out quite well in many regards since he is an excellent director.
Saturday Morning Watchmen is hilarious as well.
I don't believe in Harrington's acting ability, and anyone who does would be a fool in my opinion. He's a sulking block of wood.
Jon is also terrible and one-note in the book as well, though.
Sweet, now we can get the drop on him.
Alan Moore never liked any form of Watchmen adaptation, as far as I know.
When Gilliam asked him how he would adapt Watchmen, he said, "I wouldn't."
That was Cosby's suggestion, I'm told.
That's the Halliburton severance package.
It is puzzling why this is his only project for the past 5 years. It kind of looks like a mess, although I greatly enjoyed Moon and thought Source Code was solid as well.
Neither Monsters nor Safety Not Guaranteed instilled much faith in those directors, whereas I'd give this one a chance based on his past work.
Into Darkness also had the problem of repeating the Joker "villain gets caught as part of his plan, gloats and gives cryptic clues to the heroes" trope that became so popular in blockbusters around that time. And then there was the dishonest marketing and PR Abrams was doing with the fans, which is really what bugs a…