
Man, I was so smug in my certainty that a Spielberg/Hanks movie would be panned as trite and Disneyfied.

The right wing never mentions that Ayn Rand hated Reagan and was very pro-choice.

I wonder what the Avenged Sevenfold guys thoughts are on this.

In a way the original A Team was just a remake of the Honeymooners.

If we truly live is a post racial society then the new A Team will be three black guys and a white guy.

I hope they update CHiPs for the modern day and have them shoot unarmed black men in the back.

How depressing.

Are you hot?

You don't come across as very mellow.

I'd be lion if I said I didn't agree.

This is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the movie The Neverending Story.

Isn't Idris Elba a bit too street for a movie like this?

I beg to differ that the glut of content being frantically churned out by broadcasters large and small can be described as excellent. I suppose this is the same force at play that results in people calling Kanye West a genius.

Has it ever been established that Chewie is male? What if Chewie is a lady?

This is Peter Sellers at his finest.

If we truly lived in a post-racial society then NWA would have been played by white actors.

They didn't realize that, “the advent of digital music and dramatic changes in technology that are threatening to render CDs and DVDs obsolete” back in 2012?

Do they do much for you orally?

I Punch Like a Girl: The Ronda Rousey Story

Meh. Hellen Miren would have been better.