
Unfortunately for Europe the enemy is already inside the gates.

How about they jump forward to when apes have taken over and are now fighting the zombies.

"By the time the hero—a Mexican boy named Miguel (Anthony Gonzalez)…"

As we learned in Ted 2, "There's no such thing as chicks with dicks, only guys with tits."

I mean who really gives a shit?

I'm pretty sure I had cyber sex with Bowie in an AOL chatroom in '96.

I'm think that as soon as Trump has finished reciting the oath of office he will point to Hillary Clinton and shout, "Seize her!"

In the vein of the It Gets Better campaign they should show teenage boys that picture of Adam Driver in high school as evidence that even the dweebiest dorkiest looking nerds can become world famous movie stars one day.

Is he still popular? Seems like his schtick hit its peak a few years ago.

Are they sure its in San Francisco and not Portlandia?

"One of these days Alice I'm going to grab you right by the pussy!"

99 million years? How is that possible when the earth is only 7 thousand years old?

It's pretty true though that fast food places don't need actual humans to take orders, cook, and deliver the food.

Hershey, PA? Via the Hershey highway?

There are no rats, only Siberian hamsters,

I heard they are remaking this with Julia Roberts playing the donkey.

I guess I'm officially a cracky old man because I've heard this sound a hundred times before.

"I'm not on Facebook" is the new "I don't have a TV"

More like Shut Up ammarite?

What does the CEO of pornhub have to say?