
It must be great to the have time to worry about shit like this.

I'm half way through the last one and cringe when I turn the page and the next chapter is named Daenerys.

I'm OK with this because at this point reading the GoT books has become a tedious obligation.

This just makes me sad for them.

I'm curious to see this reviewed on Amazing America with Sarah Palin.

They have to be up to the 1980s by now, right?

"blah, lowest-common-denominator content". I'd argue that's what we have now by and large and why people realize they can live without it.

This reminds me that we need a C.H.U.D. reboot.

My kid will play Minecraft on the laptop while watching Youtube videos of people playing Minecraft. Then we have to read Minecraft books at bet time.

Think outside of the box. What about Nell Carter?

I was very much part of the Cosby-is-a-horrible-serial-rapist camp but this video has me rethinking my position.

How did this get past the Fox grammar department?

( o Y O)

that's like being the best cook at McDonalds.

Kanye West's career is one long "These are not the drones you're looking for" where he convinces people that he's a genius with rare talent.

Rick Moranis has enough money to really stay retired? Who knew?

His fans probably love him even more for giving them something else to moan about.

Santa Claws
Slay Bells
Stuff 'er In a Stocking
I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus

Prison seems to have an irresistible pull on this man.

I hope you're happy. Your drivel just bumped me off first.