I'll give him credit for not using the word "genius".
I'll give him credit for not using the word "genius".
Don't forget housewives from Orange county!
And almost certainly (to paraphrase the gospel) put bros before hos.
If the world never gets to hear Tha Carter V it will be like if the world never heard Shakespeare's Hamlet or Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
I resent the pissy tone of your post.
It is. Kids always on my lawn. All these onions on my belt.
Probably not, but I'm imagining that person explaining to their grandparents at Thanksgiving that their job is to post things on Facebook.
Social media is part of your job? Geez, kids today. No wonder we're losing to China.
I'm best friends with Francis Bean and she's super excited for this movie.
When you go to analyst school do they teach you shit like, “adjust their usage patterns” and “market share shift away from Redbox.”?
CAROL: You want answers?
DARYL: I think I'm entitled to them.
CAROL: You want answers?
DARYL: I want the truth!
CAROL: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you…
I seem to remember hearing that Mike Patton would take a dump somewhere in the audience seats before the crowd was let in.
Between this and the recent spate of stories about campus sexual assualts it does seem like rapists hardly ever get caught and punished.
Finding out that Bill Cosby is actually a horrible monster is like finding out that Adolph Hitler was actually a lovable jokester,
It really makes you think doesn't it?
Or when Bill Cosby comes up say, "Is that the football player who punched his girlfriend in the elevator?"
Someone probably slipped you some pills before you watched it.
This makes me look at that Cosby Show episode where Dr. Huxtable was accused of raping a bunch of women in a different light!
Well the kids he raped probably don't like him.
The most alarming part of this whole story is that I never knew that Bing Crosby was black!