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    See above. Noah made an impaired Helen drive.

    Helen was only driving because Noah pulled over and made her and he distracted her. Helen was impaired and Noah knew. He Could have called a cab. Plus the way Alison pushed Scotty it would have been impossible for her to stop in the first place. Why she pushed him is irrelevant to how it happened. Alison was right

    Except Helen did not really kill Scotty. Alison did! This is the plot point that drives me nuts. Noah lied to her, lays guilt trips on her with his supposed sacrifice which was really the cowards way out of having to tell the truth and Helen is left tilting in the wind. To her it must seem Noah made this grand

    Here's a question for you. Why do you bother to read the snippets and other comments if they so bother you. You could simply post your own comments and see if anyone replies. No one is forcing you to do more. It seems rather odd to be condensing to others about how can they watch a show you perceive them to be too

    That seemed to be clumsy writing. I mean he never knew anyone who had a loved one die in a hospital etc while they were there. Grandparents? Also I cannot believe he did not tell Helen any of this in 20 years together.

    This episode left me feeling like a heartless wench. I get that the writers want me to have this great sympathy for Noah but I just can't. While well acted by Dominic West: that scene just felt like another of Noah's self agrandizing manipulations. The tragedy is not that his mother was robbed of a full life and

    No, Noah found out at Cole's wedding leading up to Scotty's death. He and Alison were not married then. We never saw why or how they got married. Just that we know they were by the time Noah's arrest happened.

    Forgot to mention it when I posted last night but does anyone else think it is a little rich that Alison tells Luisa that no one deserves to have their child taken when she and Noah were perfectly content to keep Cole in the dark about Joanie. Even after Noah found out they got married and did not seemed bothered at

    This episode was so much better than last week though I did want to yell at Cole-do not get dragged back in by Alison. And of course he did. Poor Luisa. I know people think she is harsh but I think she may be the only one who sees Alison for the manipulator she can be. Well her and the child guardian who finally

    Alison pushed Scotty into the path of the vehicle. As portrayed Helen could not have stopped before the car hit him. Alison could have argued self defense but it remains that but for her pushing him into the path of the car-Scotty would not have been killed. Also lest we forget how Noah pulled over and made Helen who

    Except there is zero evidence of this. Noah still wanted Helen to bring the kids and not come by herself. If trying to protect them he would have requested that she not bring them. Also it is Alison's picture that Gunther takes. If Gunther is after anyone it would seem to be Alison who Noah seems to want to see.

    Honestly I fear it is true here and I do not know if I like the other three leads to stick with this show if it turns out to be true.

    Really cannot stress enough how little I care about Noah and Juliette. Noah still lying to Helen about Alison causing the accident and letting her feel all that guilt while treating her like shit. Hey Noah at least she cared enough to show up for your tired ass. And I do not care what horrible thing Nina supposedly

    Did Cole keep the Roll? Sounded like Alison got some money from it so did she sell her share or just what she had earned thus far. Either way not sure Cole has an obligation here to Alison.

    Except once she got better she could have called! Showing up out of the blue and making demands is not the sign of good mental health. That is what she did. Or write a letter from the institute! Not that hard. So while her initial action may be understandable it is equally understandable that Cole and Luisa are

    We have no idea if Alison went to
    A hospital or not. She went somewhere called the Institute which could have been the Hippy retreat we saw last year. From what we saw, Alison just dropped off a sick Joanie at Cole's and took off without explanation. They had to track her down and if in a hospital she surely could

    Yes to all of this! That Noah is playing the matyr with Helen while keeping quiet about Alison pushing Scotty into the path of the car and also denying how if he had not pulled over and forced her to drive the accident would not have happenend. Noah did not want to choose between Helen and Alison so he took the

    Honestly these asses at this show. In a state and city that voted overwhelmingly voted against trump and still these right wing white guys find each other. I thought with Dapper and his ilk dying off we had a shot at getting rid of them all but more needs to be done.

    From the Hip was a good movie. I think it was based on a true story of a Boston area professor who killed his escort girlfriend.

    This was our first time with it and it was done kinda grudgingly. Mostly each town/city did the minimum and had one place usually a town hall open during business hrs. It takes us awhile. My hometown still uses paper and pencils. No electronic voting for us puritans! !