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    In Mass too and yeah the ballot questions are the only interesting thing. Voted against charters (FU charlie) and slot and yes on weed. Yes on Hillary too

    I agree with this. I think the obsession with making sure a show has a proper end point is ruining letting a show develop. There were plenty of interesting plots developing with the introduction of the Beau Bridges character his connection to the family. The Kevin storyline did make me go arghh but I am interested to

    The Man who sold the world at the end-Bowie in Fringe Five Twenty Ten when Peter is at the board doing futures and walter in the lab. Just haunting.

    Oh how wonderful for them they could "purchase" their freedom. How great they were allowed to work for others on their masters whim. Honestly this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen as if having no autonomy over your life at all is akin to comparing job benefits

    Perish that thought! No longer wanting that universe.

    My only issue with season three really begins at the end of season 2-I wish there were a few more episodes of Peter adjusting to the Red Verse and working with the Fringe team there. I had a hard time believing he would just abandon his mother-as someone noted those scenes were always so tender and

    As a Celtic fan I think I gasped at this reveal; then I teared up wondering if Reggie Lewis was still alive there. Nice thought indeed

    This and the Affair are probably my two favorite current dramas. I like that both have a slower pace and deal with the inner workings especially how people perceive themselves and their actions. I do not think anyone in Bloodline thinks they are bad people as quoted in the first season but we the audience see that

    Fair enough-the actor was good in the role and he does have a great name!

    I really liked this show. The only character I hated was Kevin-just a blowhard imbecile. I can see John falling apart after what happened as he was the one sibling who actually seemed to love Danny and yet also understood how toxic he was. I hope Sissy Spacek gets more to do as I found her guilt as the mother who

    JJ should do more comedy. plus he was right-Joey was a jerk to pacey in that episode and especially after.

    Not a criminal but civil lawyer but with my limited knowledge of that side-a defendant's outburst against his own interest would not be grounds for a mistrial as he is only hurting his case. Now Alison jumping up and claiming she did (yeah right) would be a stronger case.

    Well that happened. Not sure I buy the ending of Noah confessing and taking the hit. I am wondering if he is setting Alison up. By having the outburst he looks like he is protecting her to the jury when Jeffries testifies about the rock when in reality he is getting back at her for "ruining" his life, in his opinion

    Thanks for confirming. I am hoping if there is a season three we get more of the Montauk angle. I find it much more interesting than the Affair itself at this point.

    So in rewatch I noticed that Scotty mentioned a Dec. Jeffreys who was no longer going to look the other way about the dealing. Is this the same detective who is investigating his death? That could be interesting in that the detective might have reason to point the investigation towards an unpopular outsider or risk

    I should be clear that I think both were responsible but it was an accident initially. Alison made a deliberate choice that resulted in her son's death and I do feel bad for her. Where we disagree is that she never seemed to get that Cole may feel equally as bad and has just as much right to grieve. Going back to

    According to Alison he was but given how the show operates it could have been that he did not hear her when she said she was going in etc but regardless once the child survived the initial accident it was Alison the medical professional who blocked him from getting the care that most likely would have saved his life.

    Wonder if Whitney will testify at the trial? Will their estrangement come out?

    I wish the therapist had pointed out that he already has 4 other kids-two still not adults and that running off to Paris to sleep around would mean abandoning them again just as they have found some stability. Love Helen going on Safari. She is now more Hemingway than Noah.

    I liked the episode more the reviewer but think it did not quite work as planned as it seemed to try and change some of the ways these characters were always portrayed. I thought Helen's part was good but seemed to be in a different episode and was the most real to me. I felt each segment did up the melodrama as it