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    I agree and even sadder that there seems to be little evidence that Noah ever loved Helen.

    Once again Noah manages to just be insufferable in his smug entitlement. I really wish this season had flipped the first and had been all Helen and Cole's POV with Noah and Allison as secondary characters. And please Helen stop apologizing to Noah for his first book not being a success. You supported his writing-it

    When one character is continually shown disregarding the feelings of another and quite frankly being awful to that person-it is not a high horse to call them out. I like that the show made Allison more than a simpering wet rag or victim. Who says only male protagonists can be horrible people while still having some

    I would feel bad for Alison but all I can think is what goes around comes around. She was so cruel and awful to Cole at the end of last season and now she is stuck with someone just as thoughtless and cruel. Though if she even thought for a second that the baby was Cole's and she chose to
    Not tell him she wins for

    Its official. Allison and Noah are the worst. I cannot abide either of them and they deserve each other-locked in their relentless selfishness.

    Honestly Alison and her dead kid card to justify her every sh*tty action in regards to her husband. I was half rooting for him to take them all out except Helen.

    Does anyone think Allison was lying when she was in the doctor's office? I think she was the one who was watching Gabriel when he intially went into the water and then she froze and it was Cole who pulled him out and intially saved him. Just like in the restaurant where she remembers saving Noah's daughter but he

    I also thought Cherry was referring to Alison's selfishness since their son died. Allison seems to have made their son's death all about her feelings and everyone comforting her-reference earlier in season to Cherry taking care of her-that she failed to notice Cole's. Also see her criticism of his speech at town