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    But his son Jonathan is a huge right winger. Which for a Jewish guy from Boston area is just weird. I think in general Bob hates conflict so goes along to get along.


    Unabashedly love Paul McCartney. Have seen him numerous times in concert and it is always the best show. Other than Prince I can not think of a better musician I have seen live. Maybe I am Amazed is one of my favorite songs ever and I even enjoyed Back to the Egg. Yep I am the one.

    So because he wasn't sued he did not do it-c'mon. That is just as bogus as saying someone who settles a suit did it. And did you miss Gibson and his nominations for his movie at the recent Oscars. He did not win so it's ok. He did a lot worse than Affleck was ever accused of including beating his pregnant

    When I first heard about this I was interested in why it had not really come out before. One reason is he was now nominated for an Oscar but it also seems that at least one of the women involved had tried to extort the production by withholding material and documents. Seemed it might have been in each parties

    You forgot Tim the building inspector

    Oh god. Do not give them any ideas. T

    With all the crap going on right now hard to get outraged by the finale. That said I share a big are you kidding me with this sh*t for this season. The writers obsession with retconing Noah into someone to care about was a big dud for me. I see zero evidence of any redemption in him. No apologies to Helen for all he

    I agree with all of this-except Alison and Noah were not married when Joanie was born. They did not get married until after Scott's death. I always thought that they married to prevent either one from having to testify against the other-not out some great love. But we do not really know why-we just know that by the

    Luisa said she kept it to herself for 2 years so it would seem shortly after Noah went to jail. I agree about the passivity-would she ever have told Cole if Noah had not confessed? One of the sh*tiest things those two did was keeping Cole from knowing. And one of the reasons I think Alison still has a lot of work

    I think from her speech in episode 4 where she talks about watching Cole love someone else is supposed to be a sign that she still loves him. Also her apology about the mess they were in seemed to have an additional subtext of not just what happened with Joanie but everything that happened with the Affair etc. I

    On rewatch-hey it was a slow Monday night without NFL-thought more about Alison saying to Cole you can be a miserable hero or a happy asshole. And I thought-she and Noah were the assholes in this sentence but when were they happy? Noah felt trapped again and wanted to fly off to France to f*ck his way to be a great

    I said last season that JJ was the quiet MVP of this show and tonight proved why. He does such a good job of portraying the angst of loving someone who makes you crazy and not in a good way while also wanting to do the right thing. Cole screws up but seems to want to learn from and move on. I think he does love Luisa

    Such a good point about the codependency. Also as long as the whole truth about Scott's death is not known-not sure how Alison is not bothered she is lying to him there.

    Actually it would be nice if women did support other women. We are the only group made to feel bad about voting for someone like ourselves. Called a vagina voter or having to justify wanting to vote for someone like me. Funny how that is never a problem when men run or race is a factor.

    Only good news if we get Noah being offed by all the characters and no one caring!

    Definitely not. It is so frustrating to spend week after week with this navel gazing into poor Noah and his supposed traumas of many colors. I do not care. He is yet another entitled white guy who threw a massive temper tantrum when life did not give him everything he thought he was entitled to and wrecked his life

    So the person who pulled over and gave the keys to a drunk person and says you need to drive is not responsible at all? In this situation Helen was not the drunk insisting she was ok to drive and got in the car and sped off before one could stop her. The person-who let's not forget was also driving under the

    I guess I do not think of Helen as narcissistic as young and sheltered. She did think Noah was grieving but all the other stuff was hidden. Personally I am having a hard time buying the retcon of Noah as tortured soul. Helen may be guilty of seeing what she wanted like a lot of us do. The sad part for her is that she

    Love the return of Bruce and Margaret and the dinner with Vic. Can we all agree that Vic should have dumped Helen after this episode. I get she is spiraling due to guilt (which I noted up thread is overblown due to Noah's lying) but she is just awful here. Vic nailed it here with the how have I failed you speech. At