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    Big Joe Turner. Glenn Miller. Otis Redding.

    Indeed. Dylan has talked about that experience before, I believe in his Oscar acceptance speech for "Things Have Changed." Like Holly passed something on to him. I wish I could have seen Dylan back in The Day, but I was in grade school and probably wouldn't have gotten much from the experience.
    In the late 90s, in

    My college roommate saw the Allman Brothers in Milwaukee at Summerfest in the mid-70s. Apparently there was a riot…

    Count Basie. Charlie Parker. Buddy Holly. Woody Guthrie.

    I was working at a community college student newspaper and, like many of them, we routinely scrambled to find advertising for each week's issue. Ad agencies knew this and would, unsolicited, send packages of camera-ready print ads, in various sizes and shapes, that you could plop into whatever space you had to fill.

    Seems like 99 percent of the uses of the word agency I've ever read, apart from real estate or the CIA, have been in TV Club reviews. They're mandated by law in Orphan Black reviews, I think. Way overused.

    I think it would be fun if they figure out some way to regenerate Missy into the next Doctor.

    I'm sure someone has already noted this but I can't go back through all the comments to find out: is it possible that in going back in time to take pictures of Bill's mother, the Doctor got involved with her mother and is Bill's father? Could that have something to do with the promises he said he had to keep and how

    The Netflix subtitles say he's speaking French.

    Probably someone has already suggested this but I'm not scrolling back through 6,000 comments to find out: I think Jimmy is going to decorate the office with the patriotic theme (blow-up of the Constitution, fake pillars) that we saw in Saul's office.

    "Records" truly is his middle name,

    Did I miss an explanation for why the gang can't do the same thing Kristen Wiig's character did, and send out a bunch of drones to look for other people?

    Why the snark about Gould and Bergen? Both were huge stars at the time and great hosts … Maybe you had to be there. I remember Belushi saying on-air during the goodnights of one episode that Gould was the best host ever. And Bergen was one of if not the first big name non-comedians to host, and the cast and writers

    Great article, I will check these out.
    And not one usage of the word "agency." Good job, AV Club!

    I'd never heard of Pete Holmes (I watched the first episode to see Artie Lange), and the first episode didn't make me dying to see more of him. Now, a series about Artie and Lauren Lapkus, doing basically anything….that I would watch.

    Check out Gilbert Gottfried's recent podcast interview with Hal Linden as well.
    I remember "Animals Animals Animals." And I loved the semi-inside joke they did on Barney Miller, where Dietrich referred to a kids TV show called "Vermin Vermin Vermin."

    I'm leaning toward Trump committing an impeachable offense and be thrown out. Or he gets bored and quits. I give it two years, tops, before we have President Pence.

    I'm looking forward to the eight movies that will be made from this.

    If they make this in 1972 starring Gene Wilder, I'm in.

    The only things I'm stating as fact are 1) I know the guy and 2) he said it. Can I prove either to your satisfaction? No. Was he lying? Could be, I'm just relating a conversation.