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    I know a guy who acted in a movie with Willis in the 90s and said, unprompted, that he was an asshole.

    Sounds like an album track on a halfway decent Bad Company album circa 1975.

    In JLD's appearance on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, she and Seinfeld both come across as very crappy human beings.

    Another fun Christopher Guest as Dylan impression is on the Lampoon's "Goodbye Pop" album on the track "Down to Jamaica." The whole album is worth listening (featuring pre-SNL Paul Shaffer singing the title song, also Gilda Radner and Bill Murray among others). The Bob parody is at about the 38-minute mark. https://w

    Little-known fact: Back in the early '60s, that very restaurant is where Ho Chi Minh, Mao, Sukarno and Saul Alinksy met to create the backstory for their future mole "Barack Obama" and wrote the "birth announcement" that they planted in the Honolulu newspapers. Hearing the words "bun cha" is the hypnotic trigger that

    Those who didn't (to say the least) click on the show but went on to better things: I have to add Gilbert Gottfried.

    Street Legal contains the lyric I often cite as a major reason why I'm a Dylan fan: Has anyone else ever used the word "previous" in a song? From "Changing of the Guards" — "the angels' voices whisper to the souls of previous times." Love it.

    Seeing how The Lion King is basically the Hamlet story, that's like saying Hamlet would have been much shorter if only the guy had made up his mind already….

    What a coincidence. Bored is the exact word that went through my head as I turned off Colbert's show mid-interview with her.

    And Uncle Pete (Buscemi version) listening at the bottom of the stairs while Pete (who he knows to be his son) is getting the crap beaten out of him upstairs as Marianne and the other two kids flee. Yikes…

    I love the Java Jive and it loves me.

    Put me down as an assuaged pedant. Plus, I thought the bodies laid out, Gone With the Wind-style, was powerful and interesting, almost Stephen King-like.

    Ed Asner's answer (intentionally funny) was great.

    While I came to like other songs of Lehrer's more (like choosing among varieties of caviar…), the first song of his I recall hearing was "She's My Girl" on my parents' copy of "More of Tom Lehrer."
    "And if I'm in luck, it's broiled hockey puck" cracked me up at age 9, and got me listening to the rest of the album. It

    This should be mandatory viewing.

    A couple of lines later, I've always loved "2-4-6-8/Time to transubstantiate."

    Maybe a reference to Robert Kennedy, who had homes in several states (including NY and Virginia) and basically ran for the first Senate seat that came open in one of them…?

    I read a story that quoted a Lehrer fan who became an admissions counselor at a college, and who, while interviewing a potential student, nearly fell off his chair when the girl (who was Werner von Braun's granddaughter) mentioned she was learning Chinese.

    Paying far too much attention to the life and music of Tom Lehrer, I did pick up the tidbit that he never actually earned a doctorate.

    Ditto for "You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas/Go directly, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars."