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    I hope Anna's relationship with her husband is great, because I don't want to deal with having yet another coupling without any chemistry whatsoever forced onto me.

    I like Ziev a lot, and when I saw her interact with Jody one-on-one I realized they're most likely going to get together, and that disappointed me because I don't like Jody. He adds to TMP's weird sense of humor but as a character, he's too much of a baby for me to like.

    I don't think they ruined Danny's character at all— we thought he was a callous, misogynistic jerk at first, and then he started being kinder and more caring when he started dating Mindy, but the misogynistic undertones were still there and he still had the same personality, just a bit tempered. To me, he developed as

    While he's not Donald Trump, he really surprised me with his misogyny this episode. I always thought the show used it more for laughs than anything, but when Mindy rejected him I couldn't believe the childish way Jody was acting. I don't see how they could redeem him but I'm expecting that they will their hardest.

    Yeah, but every time Morgan does something inappropriate and invasive it's attributed to the wackiness of his character and is intended for comedic purposes. Jody buying Mindy an entire apartment? They tried their hardest to paint that in a romantic light.

    I like Jody best when he isn't interacting with, talking, or thinking about Mindy (though I did like it when he supported Leo, but where the hell did that come from?) Even in their kiss, you can Jody was just not feeling it.

    Not the best written episode, but by the end of the episode I already liked Courtney 5x more than I like Jody. He just does not have any romantic chemistry whatsoever with Mindy, and I'd prefer a plotline where he's trying to be the next Danny and Mindy just doesn't give a shit

    I thought this episode was hilarious. I laughed a lot harder than usual, and I think it's because I really like seeing Mindy adjusting (poorly) to unfamiliar environments and making a fool of herself. Her workplace is full of crazy, loud characters, and they're funny, but they also don't offer much that is new, and

    this episode was honestly so scary

    Can they stop trying to push Mindy and Jody together? They have literally zero chemistry and honestly he isn't that great, not at all. He just seems like a bad Danny-replacement, and considering Danny had some pretty shitty moments, that means a lot.

    Love the bigger inclusion of Jeremy— it surprised me but it's honestly about time!
    This episode didn't offer anything new, nor did it offer many laughs…I do like Neyo though, but I almost think he's too good for Mindy.

    I'm glad Jess and Sam broke up (it was done well) and I actually thought Reagan and Nick has made just a little chemistry? But they had none in this episode. Maybe it's because I was rooting so hard for Jess.

    Honestly I was shocked to read that statement because I think Lamorne Morris has been the MVP for much, much longer.

    I can't help but compare Cece and Schmidt's wedding to Ben and Leslie's on Parks and Rec…and I dunno, maybe it's only because I'm comparing them, but Leslie and Ben's wedding really hit me hard while Cece and Schmidt's was nice, but…lacked something. I honestly didn't care that much about Cece and Schmidt's dilemma in

    Pretty sure he's been MVP for longer than just season 5

    I'd like to see Danny in snippets but I think that he's done shitty stuff but he's not really a shitty guy; still, I don't necessarily think the snippets should be every week. Last week's was effective because it had been so long since we had since him. This week it was like, oh he's back? Why now?

    The weird thing is, I should have loved this episode, because exploring one's culture as a second generation kid in America is a topic I love (and most shows about POC don't go into it, not even FOB). But then for some reason all the dialogue just felt so hollow and forced. I enjoyed Neel but seeing them shop at Bed &

    Angry Danny busting in to yell at Jody was one of the best things has happened on this show in so long. I've never really cared for Danny as much as everyone else but there's no doubt that he can be a hilarious character when he wants— and the chemistry between him and Mindy in that two minute scene of just small talk

    I enjoyed seeing the staff at the hospital too! I like scenes where the characters are actually doing their JOB. Whitney could be an interesting addition but Jody and Mindy have absolutely zero, zero, zeroooo chemistry. Why did they do this (not to mention it's just a weak plot line.)

    I love Diane!! I'd love to see more of her. This was a really good episode all around (especially the Diane and bird parts) except for the fact that I still don't like Sam.